Note: This repo has only been tested/used on Linux Ubuntu and may have limited/broken functionality on other operating systems
git clone
Visit the ManiSkill repository and follow the installation instructions. Be sure to clone/install ManiSkill inside the SimToReal/
folder. It's recommened to do this in a virtual environment.
In summary:
Create virtual environment
Runpip install --upgrade mani_skill
to install ManiSkill package
Runpip install torch torchvision torchaudio
to install Torch
Runsudo apt-get install libvulkan1
to install Vulkan
Runsudo apt-get install vulkan-utils
followed byvulkaninfo
to test Vulkan installation
There are some libraries, assets, etc you may need to install when trouble-shooting. If the above installation works for you, then you may ignore this optional setup.
This repo uses the Yale-CMU-Berkeley (YCB) Object and Model set, which you can learn more about here. To download the entire asset folder, follow the instructions found in the ycb-tools repository. Be sure to install the asset folder inside the SimToReal/
There may be other libraries/programs you may need to install before running certain commands, such as tyro in
pip install tyro
FFmpeg ImageIO are both required to capture and render videos for both training and evaluation. In case you already pip installed both of these, make sure you have the right version (Only run the second line if you do not have both installed).
pip uninstall "imageio-ffmpeg" "imageio"
pip install "imageio-ffmpeg"=="0.4.9" imageio=="2.34.0"