A flask website that contains multiple programs to analyze League of Legends statistics.
Built with cassiopeia, flask and Chart.js. Live website: https://leaguestats.cf
A description of each application is listed below.
A program that creates a Chart.js scatter plot representing mastery on a champion vs total level. Use this to find who is the most intense insert champion here gamer out of all your friends!
A program that creates a Chart.js scatter plot representing clash games won versus clash games played. Use this to find which one of your friends is the best clash player!
A program that analyzes masteries and attempts to find out what the most played champion by your friends is (among other things)!
Will produce two files analysis.txt and highestmastery.xlsx
analysis.txt will have a set of data for each champion, like pictured below.
Champion name: Yasuo
Total mastery: 951100
Mastery percentage (of all): 5.38%
Unique players: 10
Top 3 players
1: RandomPerson3 Points: 302077
2: WowSoCoolUser Points: 238116
3: Shadowlyavenger Points: 149096
Total mastery indicates the sum of mastery points accumulated on this champion by all players, Mastery percentage indicates the total percentage of all mastery accumulated on all champions that the champion indicated contributes. Everything else is fairly self explanatory.
highestmastery.xlsx will have three columns, Champion, biggest player (of that champion), and percentage of mastery they own. You can sort this by the percentage of mastery owned to find out who the biggest one-tricks are and what champion they one trick!
To ensure you have all required libraries to run these programs, run (while in the LeagueStats directory):
pip install -r requirements.txt
To ensure that flask knows that we want to run application.py you run:
set FLASK_APP=application
export FLASK_APP=application
For your application's secret key, you can either choose to user the default one provided, or (recommended) set your own with:
set SECRET_KEY=secretvalue
export SECRET_KEY=secretvalue
Finally, once you have done the above, you can run (in the LeagueStats directory)
flask run