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ISPN-4054 Scripts to analyze test failures and corresponding issues
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* - list the tests with the @test(groups =
  "unstable") annotation
* - list the tests with an open issue in JIRA
* - list the tests with failures in CI
* - find differences in the three sets of tests, e.g.
  tests with failures in CI and with an issue in JIRA but not in the
  unstable group.
  • Loading branch information
danberindei authored and pruivo committed Feb 26, 2014
1 parent 73c4b2a commit bc02118
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 4 changed files with 328 additions and 30 deletions.
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@

Merge the results of the,, and

import argparse
import csv
import os
from pprint import pprint

def parse_tsv(annotations_file, testNameReplacement, verbose):
tests = dict()
with open(annotations_file, 'rb') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect='excel-tab')
for row in reader:
# AsyncDistExtendedStatisticTest extended-statistics/src/test/java/org/infinispan/stats/simple/
# AsyncDistExtendedStatisticTest ISPN-3995 AsyncDistExtendedStatisticTest.testReplaceWithOldVal fails randomly
# AsyncDistExtendedStatisticTest org.infinispan.stats.simple.AsyncDistExtendedStatisticTest.testReplaceWithOldVal 2
if verbose: pprint(row)
class_name = row[0]
row[0] = testNameReplacement
rows = tests.setdefault(class_name, [])

if verbose: pprint(tests)
return tests

def print_diffs(target_dict, source1_dict, source2_dict, verbose):
diffs = []
for test, rows in sorted(source1_dict.iteritems()):
if test not in target_dict:
diffs.append((test, rows))
rows = sorted(diffs)
if verbose: pprint(rows)

for test, rows in diffs:
for row in rows:
print("\t%s" % ("\t".join(row)))
source2_rows = source2_dict.get(test)
if source2_rows:
for row in source2_rows:
print("\t%s" % ("\t".join(row)))


def main(args):
verbose = args.verbose
annotations_file = args.annotations_file
jiras_file = args.jira_file
teamcity_file = args.teamcity_file
location = args.find_missing
if verbose: print csv.list_dialects(); print os.getcwd()

annotations = parse_tsv(annotations_file, "annotation", verbose)
jiras = parse_tsv(jiras_file, "jira", verbose)
teamcity_failures = parse_tsv(teamcity_file, "failure", verbose)

if location == 'jira' or location == 'all':
print("Tests annotated as unstable or failing in TeamCity missing an issue in JIRA:")
print_diffs(jiras, annotations, teamcity_failures, verbose)

if location == 'annotation' or location == 'all':
print("Tests with a random failure issue in JIRA or failing in TeamCity missing the unstable annotation:")
print_diffs(annotations, jiras, teamcity_failures, verbose)

if location == 'teamcity' or location == 'all':
print("Tests annotated as unstable or with a random failure issue in JIRA but not failing in TeamCity:")
print_diffs(teamcity_failures, annotations, jiras, verbose)

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-a", "--annotations-file", help="Unstable test annotations file",
parser.add_argument("-j", "--jira-file", help="Unstable test JIRAs file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-t", "--teamcity-file", help="TeamCity test failures file",
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="print debugging information",
choices=['jira', 'teamcity', 'annotation', 'all'], default='all')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose: pprint(args)

69 changes: 39 additions & 30 deletions bin/
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Expand Up @@ -2,37 +2,46 @@
import re
import time
import sys
from utils import *
import csv
import argparse
import os.path
import fnmatch

def main():
start_time = time.clock()
disabled_test_files = []

test_annotation_matcher = re.compile('^\s*@Test')
disabled_matcher = re.compile('groups\s*=\s*"unstable"')

for test_file in GlobDirectoryWalker(get_search_path(sys.argv[0]), '*'):
tf = open(test_file)
for line in tf:
if and

print "Files containing disabled tests: \n"
i = 1
for f in unique_tests:
if i < 10 and len(unique_tests) > 9:
zeropad = " "
print "%s%s. %s" % (zeropad, str(i), strip_leading_dots(f))
i += 1

print "\n (finished in " + str(time.clock() - start_time) + " seconds)"

def main(args):
base_dir = args.dir

annotated_test_files = []

disabled_test_matcher = re.compile('\s*@Test.*groups\s*=\s*("unstable|Array\("unstable"\))|@Category\(UnstableTest\.class\).*')
filename_matcher = re.compile('.*Test.(java|scala)')

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base_dir):
for filename in filenames:
if filename_matcher.match(filename):
test_file = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
with open(test_file) as tf:
for line in tf:
class_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
rel_test_file = os.path.relpath(test_file, base_dir)
annotated_test_files.append((class_name, rel_test_file))


csvwriter = csv.writer(sys.stdout, dialect='excel-tab')
for row in annotated_test_files:

def extract_class_name(f):
return splitext(basename(f))[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("dir", help="base directory", nargs='?', default='.')
args = parser.parse_args()


79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions bin/
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@

Search JIRA using the restkit library (yum install python-restkit).
JIRA REST API documentation:

import json
import re
from restkit import Resource, BasicAuth, request
from pprint import pprint
import argparse
from getpass import getpass
import csv
import sys

default_base_url = ''
jql_search = 'project = ISPN AND (component in ("Test Suite - Core", "Test Suite - Server", "Test Suite - Query") OR labels = testsuite_stability) AND status in (Open, "Coding In Progress", Reopened, "Pull Request Sent") ORDER BY priority DESC'

def main(args):
verbose = args.verbose
server_base_url = args.url
user = args.user
password = args.password

# This sends the user and password with the request.
filters = []
if user:
auth = BasicAuth(user, password)
filters = [auth]

url = "%s/rest/api/latest" % (server_base_url)
resource = Resource(url, filters=filters)

issueList = get_json(resource, "search", jql=jql_search, fields="key,issuetype,created,status,summary", expand="renderedFields", maxResults=500)
if verbose: pprint(issueList)

tests = []
for issue in issueList['issues']:
id = issue['key']
summary = issue['fields']['summary']
match ='\w+Test', summary)
if match:
test =
tests.append((test, id, summary))

tests = sorted(tests)

csvwriter = csv.writer(sys.stdout, dialect='excel-tab')
for row in tests:

def get_json(resource, path, **params):
response = resource.get(path, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
params_dict = params)

# Most successful responses have an HTTP 200 status
if response.status_int != 200:
raise Exception("ERROR: status %s" % response.status_int)

# Convert the text in the reply into a Python dictionary
return json.loads(response.body_string())

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--url", help="site URL", default=default_base_url)
parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", help="user name", required = True)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="password")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="print debugging information", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.user and not args.password:
args.password = getpass()

121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@

Search JIRA using the restkit library (yum install python-restkit).
Teamcity REST API documentation:

import json
import re
from restkit import Resource, BasicAuth, request
from pprint import pprint
import argparse
import datetime
from getpass import getpass
import csv
import sys

default_base_url = ''
default_build_types = ['Master Hotspot JDK6', 'Master Hotspot JDK7', 'Master Unstable Tests JDK6']
default_days = 15

def main(args):
verbose = args.verbose
server_base_url = args.base_url
user = args.user
password = args.password
days = args.days
build_type_names =

# This sends the user and password with the request.
url = "%s/guestAuth/app/rest/" % (server_base_url)
filters = []
if user:
auth = BasicAuth(user, password)
filters = [auth]
url = "%s/httpAuth/app/rest/" % (server_base_url)

resource = Resource(url, filters=filters)

buildTypes = get_json(resource, "buildTypes")
watched_build_type_ids = [bt['id'] for bt in buildTypes['buildType']
if bt['name'] in default_build_types]
if verbose: print("Found build ids: %s" %watched_build_type_ids)

unstable_tests = []
for btid in watched_build_type_ids:
days_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=default_days)
days_ago = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - days_delta
date = days_ago.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') + '+0000'

builds_path = 'buildTypes/id:%s/builds' % btid
builds = get_json(resource, builds_path, locator = build_locator(sinceDate = date, status = 'FAILURE'))
build_ids = [build['id'] for build in builds['build']]
if verbose: print("Found build ids for build type %s: %s" % (btid, build_ids))

for bid in build_ids:
build_path = "builds/id:%s" % bid
build = get_json(resource, build_path)
bname = "%s#%s" % (build['buildType']['name'], build['number'])
bdate = build['startDate']

test_occurrences_path = "testOccurrences"
failed_tests = get_json(resource, test_occurrences_path, locator = build_locator(build = "(id:%s)" % bid, status = 'FAILURE'))
if 'testOccurrence' in failed_tests:
failed_test_names = [test['name'] for test in failed_tests['testOccurrence']]
if verbose: print("Found failed tests for build %s: %s" % (bid, failed_test_names))
for test_name in failed_test_names:
clean_test_name = test_name.replace("TestSuite: ", "")
unstable_tests.append((extract_class_name(clean_test_name), clean_test_name, bname, bdate))

unstable_tests = sorted(unstable_tests)

csvwriter = csv.writer(sys.stdout, dialect='excel-tab')
for row in unstable_tests:

def extract_class_name(test_name):
match ='\w+Test', test_name)
if match:
class_name =
components = test_name.split('.')
class_name = components[-2]
return class_name

def build_locator(**locators):
return ",".join("%s:%s" %(k, v) for (k, v )in locators.items())

def get_json(resource, path, **params):
response = resource.get(path, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'},
params_dict = params)

# Most successful responses have an HTTP 200 status
if response.status_int != 200:
raise Exception("ERROR: status %s" % response.status_int)

# Convert the text in the reply into a Python dictionary
return json.loads(response.body_string())

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-b", "--base-url", help="base URL", default=default_base_url)
parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", help="user name")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="password")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--days", help="days to search back", default=default_days)
parser.add_argument("--build", help="one or more builds to search", nargs='*', action='append', default=default_build_types)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="print debugging information", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.user and not args.password:
args.password = getpass()


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