Releases: CosminSontu/SpecDrill
v1.4.0.3 : Fixed Issue #23 - Speedup Search in ListElement
Speedup is possible when ListElement has an XPath selector. Search is performed using a contains() function.
For CssSelector, the search is performed by iterating through the list of elements (IEnumerable) and Regex searching each element's text.
Upgraded SpecDrill to .NET 8
- Added flag for controlling ScrollIntoView behavior between ScrollIntoView and ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded js methods.
- exposed SetWindowSize(int, int) in IBrowser
- programmatic creation of Pom now supports element navigation targets (e.g. html-based modals)
Added IsVisible property to IElement to check if element is phisically visible (not covered by other overlapping elements) on the screen.
Added support for ClickAndDrag (emulates click and drag with Actions API). Has same effect as DragAndDrop but it can be used in non DragAndDrop scenarios.
Added regression test for ClickAndDrag.
Simplified NuGet Packages
Added support for NUnit3; This enables support for Allure reporting;
Migration to .NET Core 3.1/ .NET Starndard 2.1
New NuGet Package structure