- IntelliJ IDEA version 23.3 or later (either Community Edition) must be installed on your computer.
- Plugin DevKit plugin must be enabled in IDE. Go to IntelliJ settings => Plugins => search for Plugin DevKit and make sure it is enabled.
- IntelliJ Platform SDK must be configured for your IDEA project. Right click on project folder in IntelliJ => Open Module Settings => Project => Project SDK. If necessary add a new "IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK". It should point to the installation folder of IntelliJ.
- Project language level in project settings should be set to 8. Right click on project folder in IntelliJ => Open Module Settings => Project => Project language level. More information on setting up development environment: http://www.jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/basics/getting_started/setting_up_environment.html
- Gradle must be installed and added to "Path" system environment variable: https://gradle.org/install/
- Java 17
- Clone the project.
- Run
./gradlew buildPlugin
in project root directory. - Plugin zip archive should be generated to project root folder/build/distributions.
- To install the generated zip archive of the plugin go to File => Settings => Plugins => Install Plugin from disk.
- Clone the project.
- Open the project with IntelliJ IDEA.
- In the "Event Log" notification, which should appear in the bottom right corner, click "Import Gradle project".
- Fill in the import dialog.
- Open Gradle tool window and run "buildPlugin" task, which is in the "intellij" task folder.
- Plugin zip archive should be generated to project root folder/build/distributions.
- To install the generated zip archive of the plugin go to File => Settings => Plugins => Install Plugin from disk.
- Run
./gradlew runIde
from the command line within the project root folder. - A separate instance of IntelliJ IDEA should be launched with the plugin installed.
- Build the project
- Open Gradle tool window and run "runIdea" task, which is inside the "intellij" task folder.
- A separate instance of IntelliJ IDEA should be launched with the plugin installed.