This repository relates to a request from DSIT to produce a map of the local authorities that have taken part in the Secure Connected Places research project related to the Secure Connected Places Playbook.
Original maps were sourced from the Office for National Statistics' Geoportal, however unfortunately they utilise the OSGB36 coordinate reference system. These required mapping to the more widely supported WGS84 system, to do so GDAL's ogr2ogr
tool was utilised with the folllowing syntax:
ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" <output-file> <input-file> -t_srs EPSG:4326 -s_srs EPSG:27700
As the South London Partnership is not a formal administrative organisation, its boundary was formed by creating a GeoJSON FeatureCollection of Features and utilising TurfJS's dissolve function, creating a GeometryCollection object. Finally TurfJS's flatten function is utilised to convert the GeometryCollection back to a simple FeatureCollection.
The generated GeoJSON files then required conversion to KML for import into Google Maps. Again ogr2ogr
was utilised, this time with the following syntax:
ogr2ogr -f "KML" <output-file> <input-file>
The resulting KML files were imported into Google My Maps, and the resulting map shared with the client.