Created by Lucas Alves de Melo Pontes
The objective of this repository is to execute simulations of Moran's model without spatial restrictions.
The implementation of Moran's model is based on:
- the Ricardo Martínez-Garcia's classes on "Stochastical Mathematical Modeling" during the Serrapilheira-ICTP QBio course;
- the description presented in the chapters of the book "NOVAK, M. A. Evolutionary dynamics: Exploring the equations of life. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 378 p., Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England, 2006".
├── data/
| ├── raw/
| └── processed/
├── docs/
├── graph/
├── R/
├── R_modules/
The order of execution for the scripts is given by the script filenames inside the "R/" directory.
"R_modules/" contains the modules required for the scripts in the "R/" directory.
"data/" contains the tables obtained through the simulation.
"docs/" contains the report file and its supporting files.
"graph/" contains the generated graphs.
The required libraries for this repository are: stringr, ggplot2, reshape2 e dplyr.