A Python app which uses Spotify API.
Next things are needed to be installed:
Python 2.7 or Python 3.6
pip or pipenv
flask and requests packages
To be able to use the Spotify Web API, you will need a Spotify user account and registered application. All the instructions can be found at
At the end you will have Client ID and Secret Key. You will need them to make calls from your application to the Spotify web services.
To clone the sample application so that you have a local version of the code that you can run on your local machine for development and testing purposes, execute the following commands in your local command shell or terminal:
$ git clone https://github.com/CodeFirstGirls2018/ProjectTeam1.git
$ cd ProjectTeam1
Next link should be added to the Redirect URIs whitelist at Your Spotify Application:
To run application locally execute the following command in your local command shell or terminal:
For Python3 version
$ CLIENT_SECRET=YourSpotifySecretKey python3 my_music_app.py
For Python2 version
$ CLIENT_SECRET=YourSpotifySecretKey python2 my_music_app.py
Your app should now be running on localhost:8888.
Install the Heroku CLI
Create an app on Heroku, which prepares Heroku to receive your source code:
$ heroku create
$ heroku config:set CLIENT_SECRET=YourSpotifySecretKey
$ heroku config:set HEROKU_HOSTNAME=YourSpotifySecretKey
Deploying your code
$ git push heroku master
Now visit the app at the URL generated by its app name. As a handy shortcut, you can open the website as follows:
$ heroku open
To specify the running version of Python of your app make corresponding changes in Procfile and Pipfile. For more information visit:
This article shows app owners how to share their app with collaborators: