Wireless fireworks controllers, slats, simulator
Project Function FireworksSimulator Play the csv in a simulated environment. Hardcoded for a specific show. FireworksGuiAndroid Qt Android based controller FireworksGui Qt computer based controller (tested under Ubuntu 14)
FireModule Code for slats
FireControlSlave Send commands from computer or Android to slats.
To build Android version #define USE_BLUETOOTH
To build computer version undefine USE_BLUETOOTH
FireModuleTest Run radio, display, and relay tests on a slat
FireControl This was meant to be an Arduino based controller - never completed
FireComputer Command line script player - used in original testing but never completed
Arduino Libraries These libraries have github repos TMRh20 nRF24 library https://github.com/tmrh20/RF24/ Docs Optimized High Speed NRF24L01+ http://tmrh20.github.io/RF24
nRF8001 BLueTooth https://github.com/RedBearLab/nRF8001
These libraries do not have github repos ReadWriteEEPROM local library
ButtonHandler from From http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Button-Tutorial/
TM1637 This was in a zip file from the eBay seller, but I also found it on github here https://github.com/linksprite/Linkerkit/tree/master/Linker_4D7SLED
High level overview
For Computer to Slat communications (USB to NRF24 radio)
FireworksGui | | |/ FireControlSlave (with USE_BLUETOOTH undefined) | | |/ FireModule
For Andoird to Slat communications (BlueTooth to NRF24 radio)
FireworksGuiAndroid | | |/ FireControlSlave (with USE_BLUETOOTH defined) | | |/ FireModule
Example show script is in FireworksGui/show2016.csv
Note: Most of the fields are hardcoded because I was in a rush to get this running for the Fourth of July holiday! There is minimal error checking.
While this was a great project I've decided to buy a commercial system so there will likely not be any updates to this project. This was a fun learning experience - until the deadline began to loom closer and closer then it became a mad dash to the finish line! You'll notice the lack of comments - this is unfortunate, but as a side project aspects of a civilized project had to suffer.