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Cloudymap1e committed Dec 20, 2024
1 parent 24514b6 commit a7eaa3c
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion assets/jupyter/blog.ipynb.html

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion blog/2024/index.html

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion blog/2024/my-first-post/index.html

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions blog/2024/name-test/index.html
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The CPSC 418 onsite final may be a bit bad, but fortunately, I did very well on the take-home final. I expect to get around 90 (I left a 10-point question blank, but I expect to get full marks on all the other questions).</p> <p>For CPSC 421, I got some true/false questions wrong, but I should have solved all the other questions perfectly, except for the 5-point question that asked if PSPACE belongs to EXPTIME. I did answer it correctly, but some of my steps may not have been perfect. Anyway, I expect to get at least 80.</p> <p>The counting problems in CPSC 418 made me frustrated, but I should still be able to get an average grade without too much trouble.</p> <p>FREN 101 makes me a bit sad, but I should be fine. Especially since my recent grades for participation and the project were not bad.</p> <p>I have no doubt about FRST 303; I should get around 80 if there are no issues.</p> <p>So, I only have one term left at UBC in Canada, and then I will return home and finish my last two courses online.</p> <p>I am still thinking about which courses to take next term. CPSC 440, CPSC 436R, and GERN 304 are already on my mind, but I am still deciding on the last one: CPSC 416 or CPSC 420.</p> <p>I also need to think about whether I want to take four or five courses next term. If I take five, I will definitely have another arts course.</p> <p>My current decision is between taking four courses and two online courses or taking five courses and one online course.</p> <p>Recently, I need to pay close attention to the capital market. Today, I lost 1,000 USD because I chose to sleep in and didn’t sell at 7:30 am. In recent days, I may have more trades than usual because I need to avoid huge losses. The Friday market is very dangerous, but I have no choice now. I just checked the overnight market, and it’s a big dip, as expected.</p> <p>I really need to forget about what others, like Buffett, say and develop my own trading strategy, philosophy, and system. I will sell when the risk goes up and immediately buy back when the risk eases up.</p> <p>So far, I haven’t made any serious mistakes, just like in my academic career. That’s good. If I don’t make any serious mistakes, like going to UBC, I will eventually find my way.</p> <p>I’ll relax for a few days and prepare for the next term. Oh, and I have realized that I have no talent for FPS games. So, it’s over; I’ll just watch some pro players’ highlights and do what I need to do.</p> </div> </article> <br> <hr> <br> <ul class="list-disc pl-8"></ul> <h2 class="text-3xl font-semibold mb-4 mt-12">Enjoy Reading This Article?</h2> <p class="mb-2">Here are some more articles you might like to read next:</p> <li class="my-2"> <a class="text-pink-700 underline font-semibold hover:text-pink-800" href="/blog/2024/my-first-post/">My First Post</a> </li> <li class="my-2"> <a class="text-pink-700 underline font-semibold hover:text-pink-800" href="/blog/2022/displaying-external-posts-on-your-al-folio-blog/">Displaying External Posts on Your al-folio Blog</a> </li> </div> </div> <footer class="fixed-bottom" role="contentinfo"> <div class="container mt-0"> © Copyright 2024 Yang R. Chen. Powered by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow noopener">Jekyll</a> with <a href="" rel="external nofollow noopener" target="_blank">al-folio</a> theme. 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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion blog/category/general/index.html

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