Kotlin library to convert text to manga pages, with the intention of adding support for novels in Tachiyomi and variants.
- Easy to use, pratically plug-and-play
- No configuration required, it does have good defaults
- Light, dark and black themes by default
- Configurable (see Usage)
Add this line to your build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Claudemirovsky:noveltomanga:1.2.1'
read about jitpack before adding this dependency.
import android.graphics.Bitmap
import org.claudemirovsky.noveltomanga.NovelToManga
val ntm = NovelToManga()
val lines = document.select("span > p").map { it.text() }
val pages: List<Bitmap> = ntm.getMangaPages(lines)
import android.text.Layout
import org.claudemirovsky.noveltomanga.NovelToManga
import org.claudemirovsky.noveltomanga.DefaultThemes
val ntm = NovelToManga().apply {
fontSize = 35F
margin = 75F
theme = DefaultThemes.LIGHT
// pageHeight = 1536
// pageWidth = 1080
alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER
separateLines = true
val lines = document.select("span > p").map { it.text() }
val pages = ntm.getMangaPages(lines)
I recommend making your tachiyomi-extension class extends ConfigurableSource
, so you can add preferences to change the appearence of pages.
- Speedup bitmap creation
- Make page creation on-demand, without waiting for all pages to be created
- Better documentation. Currently its almost non-existant xD
- Add multiple fonts support