This is an anonymization tool for Finnish text. The tool enables automatic detection of personal identifiers such as names, phone numbers and social security numbers in Finnish context. Tool masks detected entities with descriptive labels, eg. "050-1231234" will be replaced with <PUHELIN>.
This tool can be used via command line interface, rest api and web application. It can handle plain text and csv formats.
You can use this tool with docker, GitHub Codespaces or you can configure your own python environment.
Requires: Python 3.9, pip
# Install project dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Build custom spacy model
# Link local custon model library to environment libraries so presidio can load it
cd train_custom_spacy_model
cd ..
pip install -e custom_spacy_model
Requirements: docker, docker-compose
If you wish to use command line tools with docker, first build dockerfile (step 1) and then call cli applications with volume mapping (step 2).
Build container
docker build . -t text-anonymizer
Run command with volume mapping:
docker run -v <host_source_folder>:<container_work_folder> -it text-anonymizer python <container_work_folder>/<source_file> <container_work_folder>/<target_file>
Example: anonymize text file
docker run -v /local_data_folder/:/data/files -it text-anonymizer python /data/files/source.csv /data/files/anonymized.csv --column_name=text
You can run anonymizer rest api with docker-compose. Startup container in API-mode using mode environment variable:
MODE=api docker-compose up
To view api documentation and online-interface: open in browser.
Startup docker container in flask webapp-mode:
MODE=web docker-compose up
Open in browser.
Startup docker container in streamlit-mode:
MODE=streamlit docker-compose up
Open in browser.
There are different kind of interfaces provided to use text_anonymizer library:
- stdio
- plain text file
- csv file
- Web Application for csv and text input
To anonymize text from standard input, use pipe operator and script.
cat test.txt | python
Script can be used for anonymization of files in csv-format. Specify file to read, output file and the column that contains the data to be anonymized.
How to use:
usage: [-h] [--column_name COLUMN_NAME] [--column_index COLUMN_INDEX] [--header HEADER] [--delimiter DELIMITER] [--quotechar QUOTECHAR] [--languages LANGUAGES] [--encoding ENCODING] [--debug DEBUG] [--recognizers RECOGNIZERS] source_file target_file
Anonymize csv file
positional arguments:
source_file CSV-file to be anonymized
target_file Name or path of (anonymized) destination file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--column_name COLUMN_NAME
Name (header) of anonymized column. Default: first column
--column_index COLUMN_INDEX
Index(es) (starting from 0) of anonymized column(s). Default: 0 (first column). Select multiple columns by separating column indexes by comma.
--header HEADER CSV file contains header. Default: True
--delimiter DELIMITER
CSV-file delimiter. Default: ;
--quotechar QUOTECHAR
CSV quote character: SINGLE, DOUBLE. Default: none
--languages LANGUAGES
Selected languages (comma separated). Default: fi,en
--encoding ENCODING Source encoding. Default: UTF-8
--debug DEBUG Toggle debug logging. Default: False
--recognizers RECOGNIZERS
Override active recognizers. Available options: email, phone, ssn, file_name, ip_address, iban, registration_plate, address, blockist, grantlist, property_id, name_fi, name_en, street_address
Example: python file_in.csv file_out.csv --column_name=text
python --column_name=text examples/files/sample.csv file_out.csv
Example 2: Anonymized column is sixth from left, delimiter is comma (,) quote char is single quote ('), file encoding is ISO-8859-1
python --column_index=5 --delimiter=, --quotechar=SINGLE --encoding=ISO-8859-1 /tmp/file_in.csv /tmp/file_out.csv
Tip: Use debug parameter verbose logging.
python --debug=True --column_name=text examples/files/sample.csv /dev/null
Script can be used for anonymization of files in plain text. Specify file to read, output file and the column that contains the data to be anonymized.
How to use:
usage: [-h] [--column_name COLUMN_NAME]
[--column_index COLUMN_INDEX]
[--debug DEBUG]
source_file target_file
python examples/files/sample.txt file_out.txt
Tip: Use debug parameter verbose logging.
python --debug=True examples/files/sample.txt file_out.txt
There is a api server script for JSON/REST functionality:
Install extra requirements:
pip install -r requirements-server.txt
Start API server with command:
Example anonymization request:
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"text": "My Name is Charlie Brown"}'
First start api server. Documentation is then available in URL:
OpenAPI spec:
This is the production web app for text and csv file anonymization.
Install extra requirements:
pip install -r requirements-server.txt
Run flask web app:
flask --app=anonymizer_flask_app:app run
There is a sample webapp for csv file anonymization that is built using streamlit.
First install extra requirements:
pip install -r requirements-server.txt
streamlit run
Open anonymizer web frontend in browser:
You can test this using file: examples/files/sample.csv
Note that this tool cannot anonymize 100% of processed text.
Using generated names using randomly combined top-1000 finnish first and last names. (See: test/
Iterations: 5000, error rate: 0.14%, anonymized: 99.44%, partially anonymized: 0.42%
Fine tune the base spacy model with custom data.
cd train_custom_spacy_model ./
This will update custom spacy model in custom_spacy_model folder. You can then run evaluation script to evaluate the model.
Run model evaluation script to evaluate custom spacy model.
cd custom_spacy_model python
It will output evaluation results that are included in this README.
Evaluation dataset consists of 101 sample sentences.
Date: 23.4.2024
Evaluation results:
Entity | precision | recall | f1-score | samples |
PERSON | 0.555556 | 0.731707 | 0.631579 | 41 |
DATE | 0.295455 | 0.866667 | 0.440678 | 15 |
LOC | 0.346154 | 0.580645 | 0.433735 | 31 |
CARDINAL | 0.125 | 1 | 0.222222 | 4 |
GPE | 0.116667 | 1 | 0.208955 | 7 |
ORDINAL | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
ORG | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
O | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
NORP | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
FAC | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
QUANTITY | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Evaluation results
Date: 23.04.2024
Test | Accuracy | Missed | Samples |
words | 98.34 | 83 | 5000 |
names | 97.54 | 5 | 5000 |
streets | 96.9 | 31 | 1000 |
This is build on:
Microsoft Presidio Library:
Spacy Natural Language Processing
Finnish spacy model:
Data on municipalities:
Data on postal codes:
Data on Finnish names:
Helsinki areas:
Helsinki streets:
Finnish words list: