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henrinie-nc committed Mar 3, 2025
1 parent 09787f8 commit 99276b5
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Showing 2 changed files with 539 additions and 195 deletions.
370 changes: 370 additions & 0 deletions credit_integration/tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
def mock_return_company_json_data(business_id):
return {
"companyResponse": {
"responseHeader": {
"languageCode": "FI",
"timeStamp": {"date": 1634590800000, "time": 23365000},
"responseStatus": "0",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"identificationData": None,
"companyBasics": None,
"scoringData": [],
"companyGroupReferences": None,
"mergerData": None,
"companyClassification": None,
"registerData": None,
"companyPaymentDefaultData": None,
"personInCharge": None,
"decisionMakers": None,
"personInChargeSummary": [],
"shareholderData": None,
"paymentHistory": None,
"errorMessage": None,
"confirmationMessage": None,
"authorisedSignaturesText": None,
"authorisedSignaturesData": None,
"mortgageData": None,
"additionalNamesData": None,
"newsRow": [],
"paymentDefaultRefData": None,
"additionalInformationRow": [],
"companyHistoryRow": [],
"lineOfBusinessLongRow": [],
"listOfCompaniesRow": [],
"decisionProposalData": {
"usecode": "1",
"model": {"code": "HEASYR", "name": "Yritysluottopäätökset"},
"customerData": {
"customerDataRow": [],
"customerProductDataRow": [],
"name": "Solid Corporation Oy",
"businessId": business_id,
"personId": None,
"insertedInMonitoringText": None,
"customerKey": None,
"decisionProposal": {
"handler": None,
"inputRow": [],
"prosessingDate": 1634590800000,
"proposal": {
"code": "1",
"text": "Luottopäätös edellyttää lisäselvityksiä.",
"proposalCode": None,
"proposalText": None,
"factorRow": [
"code": "004",
"text": "Yritystä ei ole merkitty ennakkoperintärekisteriin.",
"code": "090",
"text": "Yritys on vanhempi kuin -1 kuukautta ja tilinpäätös puuttuu.",
"companyData": {
"identificationData": {
"businessId": "30101929",
"name": "Solid Corporation Oy",
"domicileCode": None,
"domicile": None,
"companyLanguageCode": None,
"companyLanguageText": None,
"postalAddress": None,
"address": {
"street": "Kruunuvuorenkatu 3 E",
"zip": "00160",
"town": "Helsinki",
"contactInformation": {
"phone": "+358 44 7200965",
"fax": None,
"www": None,
"email": None,
"companyForm": "OY",
"companyFormText": "Osakeyhtiö",
"lineOfBusiness": {
"lineOfBusinessCode": "62010",
"lineOfBusinessText": "Ohjelmistojen suunnittelu ja valmistus",
"naceCode": None,
"naceText": None,
"startDate": None,
"populationInformation": None,
"companyPaymentsAnalysis": None,
"ratios": None,
"tradeRegisterExtracts": None,
"articlesOfAssociation": None,
"authorizedSignature": None,
"companysDomainNames": None,
"queryHistoryInformation": None,
"debtCollectionData": None,
"bankruptcyIndicator": None,
"beneficialOwner": None,
"trustedCompanyData": None,
"esgData": None,
"valueReportData": None,
"digitalActivityData": None,
"growthIndicator": None,
"officialRegisterBeneficialOwner": None,
"authorisedSignaturesAbstract": None,
"companyInGroup": [],
"companyRadar": None,
"leiData": None,
"companyLoan": None,
"shareholder2021Data": None,
"authorizedSignature2021": None,
"extract": None,
"einvoiceData": None,
"groupResponse": None,

def mock_return_consumer_json_data(identity_number):
return {
"consumerResponse": {
"responseHeader": {
"languageCode": "FI",
"timeStamp": {"date": 1634590800000, "time": 40333000},
"responseStatus": "0",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"personInformation": None,
"profileData": None,
"scoringBackgroundData": None,
"scoringData": [],
"decisionProposalData": {
"usecode": "1",
"model": {"code": "HEASKU", "name": "Kuluttajaluottopäätökset"},
"customerData": {
"customerDataRow": [],
"customerProductDataRow": [],
"name": None,
"businessId": None,
"personId": identity_number,
"insertedInMonitoringText": None,
"customerKey": None,
"decisionProposal": {
"handler": None,
"inputRow": [],
"prosessingDate": 1634590800000,
"proposal": {
"code": "0",
"text": "Ehdotetaan hylättäväksi.",
"proposalCode": None,
"proposalText": None,
"factorRow": [
"code": "041",
"text": "Henkilöllä on maksuhäiriöitä 1, joka on vähintään 1 kpl.",
"populationInformation": None,
"personIdentification": None,
"soletrader": None,
"paymentDefaultData": None,
"creditInformationData": None,
"noRegisteredMessage": None,
"personInChargeSummary": None,
"creditSummary": None,
"assets": None,
"taxInformation": None,
"otherInformation": None,
"errorMessage": None,
"personInAssociationSummary": None,
"officialRegisterBeneficialOwner": None,

def mock_return_company_sanctions_json_data():
return {
"companyResponse": {
"responseHeader": {
"languageCode": "FI",
"timeStamp": {"date": "2025-03-03", "time": "14:17:35"},
"responseStatus": "0",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"pepAndSanctionsData": {
"businessId": "12345678",
"companyName": "Sanctioned Company Oy",
"searchStatus": "OK",
"watchListHits": [
"jotain": "toista",
"name": "Southeast Trading Oy",
"role": "Yritys",
"hitCount": "1",
"hitsRow": [
"watchListType": "SANCTION_LIST",
"hitId": "1",
"names": {"name": "SANCTIONED COMPANY OY"},
"description": "Added to OFAC's SDN List.",
"entitySource": {
"entitySourceAbbreviation": "OFAC",
"entitySourceCountry": "United States",
"jotain": "muuta",
"name": "Doe, John",
"role": "Varsinainen j\u00e4sen",
"hitCount": "0",

def mock_return_consumer_sanctions_json_data():
return {
"watchListResponse": {
"responseHeader": {
"languageCode": None,
"timeStamp": {"date": "2025-02-27", "time": "17:01:35"},
"responseStatus": "0",
"currencyCode": "",
"searchParameters": {
"entityType": "I",
"firstName": None,
"lastName": "Lastname",
"birthDate": None,
"personId": None,
"businessId": None,
"companyName": None,
"listType": {"listCode": ["SANCTION_LIST"]},
"watchLists": {
"category": [
"watchListType": "SANCTION_LIST",
"hitCount": "10",
"watchListHits": {
"hitsRow": [
"hitId": "1",
"names": {
"name": "Doe, John Michael",
"prefix": None,
"firstName": "John Michael",
"lastName": "Doe",
"suffix": None,
"aka": "Mad Doe,Hurricane Doe",
"primaryName": None,
"identifiers": {
"entityId": "1261261",
"directId": "3f8c9b2e-5d4b-4e1b-9b2e-5d4b4e1b9b2e",
"passportId": "AB004321;AB004320",
"nationalId": None,
"otherId": None,
"parentId": "0",
"entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"description": "Sanctioned Entity. Former President Doeland (Novemer 1, 1993 - November 2, 1993). Suspected of corruption - November 1993. Deceased November 3, 1993.", # noqa: E501
"dateOfBirth": "January 1, 1950",
"dateOfBirth2": None,
"placeOfBirth": "Palembang, Indonesia",
"country": "Indonesia",
"touchDate": "2024-01-01 12:00:00.0",
"addresses": {
"addressRow": [
"addressId": "13456789",
"addressDetails": "Corner of 1st Street and 2nd Avenue",
"city": "Doha",
"stateProvince": None,
"country": "Qatar",
"postalCode": None,
"remarks": None,
"addressSource": {
"addressSourceAbbreviation": None,
"addressSourceName": None,
"addressSourceCountry": None,
"addressId": "23456789",
"addressDetails": "Street of 3rd Avenue",
"city": "Addis Ababa",
"stateProvince": None,
"country": "Ethiopia",
"postalCode": None,
"remarks": None,
"addressSource": {
"addressSourceAbbreviation": None,
"addressSourceName": None,
"addressSourceCountry": None,
"entitySource": {
"entitySourceAbbreviation": "Sanctions",
"entitySourceName": "Consolidated Sanctions List",
"entitySourceCountry": "International",
"effectiveDate": None,
"expirationDate": None,
"hitId": "2",
"names": {
"name": "Doe, John 2nd",
"prefix": None,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"suffix": None,
"aka": "Tornado Doe",
"primaryName": None,
"identifiers": {
"entityId": "3434340",
"directId": "63d97caa-36f5-4ad1-b368-00737c480a6a",
"passportId": "A1234569",
"nationalId": None,
"otherId": None,
"parentId": "0",
"entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"description": "Sanctioned Entity. Son of John Michael Doe, Former President Doeland.", # noqa: E501
"dateOfBirth": "June 2, 1994",
"dateOfBirth2": None,
"placeOfBirth": "Doecity, Doeland",
"country": "Doeland",
"touchDate": "2025-01-01 10:00:00.0",
"addresses": {"addressRow": []},
"entitySource": {
"entitySourceAbbreviation": "Sanctions",
"entitySourceName": "Consolidated Sanctions List",
"entitySourceCountry": "International",
"effectiveDate": None,
"expirationDate": None,
"errorMessage": None,

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