This is a package with a few small classes which will make your life easier and your code cleaner.
The main component is the AbstractFrontage
class which is an implementation of the facade pattern.
Simply add dagardner/frontage
to your composer dependencies and run composer install.
"require": {
"dagardner/frontage": "0.2"
If you cannot use composer (you should!) you can still clone this repo and require all files you need manually.
Create a facade in seconds:
use DaGardner\DaContainer\Container;
use DaGardner\Frontage\AbstractFrontage;
class Model extends AbstractFrontage
public static function getFacadeID() {
return 'mymodel';
class MyModel
protected $name = 'Foo';
* Gets the value of name.
* @return string
public function get()
return $this->name;
* Sets the value of name.
* @param string $name the name
public function set($name)
$this->name = $name;
$container = new Container;
$container->bind('mymodel', function() {
return new MyModel;
}, true);
Now you can access the MyModel
object with a neat static syntax:
Model::set('New Name');
The AliasLoader is a class alias creator with lazy loading enabled.
use DaGardner\Frontage\AliasLoader;
->alias('Foo', 'MyModel');
// Now you can access the MyModel class this way:
$myModel = new Foo;
This AliasLoader plays nicely with the Frontage class. As you need to create a class for each Facade you will most likley namespace these Facades and now they aren' t that nifty anymore:
Now an alias would be really nice:
->alias('Model', 'Vendor\Lib\Facades\Model')
These alias are lazy loaded so they will get created on the first access of Model
. However you can create the alias by hand this way:
->alias('Model', 'Vendor\Lib\Facades\Model')
An ArrayCase lets you handle a vanilla array in an OOP approach.
$case = new ArrayCase(array('foo', 'bar'));
// or
$case = ArrayCase::make(array('foo', 'bar')); // this one is chainable :D
Just check out the code and see what is implemented. Just to show you a few:
This will call the callback on each element and after that we grab the first element.
Or build in json support:
echo $case->json();
// or just convert to string
echo $case;
Of course the standard array manipulation tools are implemented like pop, shift, unshift, etc.