🚀 New features and improvements
feat(query): add new query for tencentcloud CVM resource by @SevenEarth in #7136
feat(query): add new query for tencentcloud VPC resource by @SevenEarth in #7133
feat(query): add new query for tencentcloud TKE resource by @SevenEarth in #7138
feat(query): add new query for tencentcloud CDB resource by @SevenEarth in #7134
feat(query): add new query for tencentcloud CVM resource by @SevenEarth in #7122
feat(query): add new query for tencentcloud CLB resource by @SevenEarth in #7135
🐛 Bug fixes
fix(dockerfiles): update dockerfiles constant mapping in #7124
fix(version): bump urllib3 version from queries-validator requirements in #7140
fix(query): policy without principal query with false positive for IAM role used as an inline policy in #7097
fix(query): security groups not used query with false positive in aws_elasticache_instance resources in #7098
fix(query): add positive expected results for "secretId" and "secretKey" for Tencentcloud by @SevenEarth in #7146
📦 Dependency updates bumps
build(deps): bump github.com/hashicorp/go-getter from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5 in #7155
👻 Maintenance
update(linting): update contribuition guide and remove deprecated linting methods in #7159
update(chainguard): update chainguard image for libcrypto3 and libssl3 versions update in #7173
docs(queries): update queries catalog in #7130
fix(docs): add urls to all queries download in #7154
update(query): change query name to maintain the same logic in #7141
update(ghaction): update kics-gh-action.yaml in #7127
New Contributors
@SevenEarth made their first contribution in #7122