This is a fourth semester laboratory course offered to students of Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Chandigarh University in EVEN2022 term.
– Course aim to enhance the computational programming skills related to signal and systems which are required to Construct the Continuous and Discrete Time systems using various transfroms.
- Understanding the fundamental characteristics of signals and systems.
- Understanding signals and systems in terms of both the time and transform domains, taking advantage of the complementary insights and tools that these different perspectives provide.
- Development of the mathematical skills to solve problems involving convolution, filtering, modulation and sampling.
- CO1 The student will be able to numericaly generate the signals in various forms for computational analysis
- CO2 The student will be able to numericaly analyze continuous time and discrete time fourier transforms.
- CO3 The student will be able to numericaly analyze the LTI system response
- CO4 The student will be able to analytically and numericaly synthesize signal and system problems.
- CO5 The student will be able to develop computational algorithms to construct the Continuous and Discrete Time systems using various transfroms.
- To numerically generate continuous time standard signals required for analyzing the LTI systems.
- To numerically compute Elementary Operations like superposition, temporal shifting and scaling on continuous time signals.
- To numerically generate discrete time standard signals required for analyzing the LTI systems.
- To numerically compute Elementary Operations like superposition, shifting and flipping on discrete time signals.
- To numerically compute the Characterization of Systems in the Time Domain using following operation: Impulse Response
- Convolution
- Step Response
- Eigenfunctions and the Transfer Function"
- To numerically compute the Characterization of Systems in the frequency Domain using following operation:
- The Transfer Function
- The Bode Plot
- Phase and Group Delay
- Combination of Systems
- To numerically compute the following Properties of LTI-Systems
- The Transfer Function
- Causality and Stability
- Classes of Systems
- Idealized Systems
- To numerically compute the fourier transform of a pulse train and plot its frequency spectrum
- To numerically perform the Convolution of an Audio Signal with a Room Impulse Response
- To numerically perform the signal analysis of a Damped Spring Pendulum
- Oppenheim and Willsky, Signals and Systems, Prentice Hall, 1997, 4th reprint.
- B.P. Lathi, Principles of Linear Systems and Signals, Oxford University Press. 2nded.
- P.D. Sharma, Introduction to modern communication theory,. New Chand and Brothers Roorkee
- Simon Haykin , Signal and Systems, Wiley student edition, 1997, 7th reprint. \
- S Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya , Digital Signal Processing, McGraw Hill International, 2001 ed.
SrNo | Assessment Name | Exam Name | Max Marks |
1-10 | 20PRAC01 | Experiment-1 TO 10 | 20 [EACH] |
11 | 20PRAC01 | Mid-Term Test | 20 |
12 | 20PRAC01 | Discussion Forum / Short Assignment / Portfolio | 4 |
13 | 20PRAC01 | Attendance and BB Engagement Score | 4 |
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Mapping CO's Vs PO's/PSO's need to be provided wherever it is appropriate. The correlation levels can be given based on below given parameters with respect to the Program attributes. the parameters are as follows:
- Course content
- Content delivery
- Pedagogy tools
- Assessment tools used to measure the student's performance
- Correlation levels
Slight (Map it with 1 correlation when the above-mentioned parameters are slightly influencing in students learning). Moderate (Map it with 2 correlation when the above-mentioned parameters are moderately influencing in students learning). Substantial (Map it with 3 correlation when the above-mentioned parameters are strongly influencing in students learning).