Repository contains a driver to sink twitter statuses data to mongoDB and APIs to retrieve them.
- MongoDB
- Flask
To create virtual environment and starting development server
$ sh
Run application
$ export ENV=development
$ python runserver
This will start a development server at port 9854. Before starting server, make sure that ENV variable is exported and corresponding environment class exists in app/
file. To use DevelopmentConfig
configs, set ENV as development. similar logic for other configs.
- API to sync keyword in MongoDB - /api/tweets
- API to fetch tweets from DB - /api/tweet_filters
This API is used add/remove keywords [to sink] in DB.
To add new keyword
curl -X POST
-d '{
"q": "USA"
To remove a keyword
curl -X DELETE
-d '{
"q": "USA"
To list current keyword
curl -X GET
Currently we are syncing following fields. All of them are queryable.
- tweet_text
- name
- screen_name
- retweet_count
- favorite_count
- followers_count
- created_at
- language
- geo_location
Range Query Supported Fields
- retweet_count
- favorite_count
- followers_count
- created_at
Above fields support exact as well as range To use range query, append _gt or _lt after field name. See Examples.
Sub string Supported fields
- name
- tweet text
Geo Location supported fields
- geo_location
Currently, geo_location filter returns records with in 100 meters of center point.
GET /api/tweets?language=en
GET /api/tweets?created_at_gt=2018-01-25T03:11:06+00:00&language=en
GET /api/tweets?geo_location=-115.0172734,36.08620206
All above queries results can be downloaded in csv format
GET /api/tweets?language=en&format=csv
- Add more filters
- Custom Range for geo coordinates
- Persist filter keywords
- Neeraj Gahlot - Initial work - Cerebro