Proyecto de desarrollo de una pagina web para la preddiocion del C02 y particilas. Mas informacion en el informe:
__CTCON CLIENT__ ___________CENTIC APP_____________ ______HOPU________
| | | | | |
| Tablet with |<-----| frontend <- Internal <- backend |<----| air quality API |
| web browser | | script data.json script | | person count API |
|______________| |__________________________________| |__________________|
data.json <-----------
Initial setup:
1. Get access token from the HOPU API endpoint
2. Get if the sensor device is available
1. Read air quality data from HOPU API endpoint
2. Read person count data from HOPU API endpoint
3. Run the Machine learning model to forecast the future
4. Overwrite results on the data.json file
This pipeline is run every 5 mins
(this can be done with an infinite while loop with sleep 5*60)
(or also can be done be setting a crontab job every 5 minutes) <-------- frontend.html <-------- data.json
Web server using netcat in a while loop
to display the content of frontend.html
frontend.html is a template which reads the data from data.json
The frontend.html refresh iteself in the browser
every 60 seconds because it has in the <head> section:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60">