Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web - URJC (Móstoles) - 2017/2018
- Óscar Soto Sánchez OscarSotoSanchez
- Alfonso Casanova Muñoz fonyc
- Harender Singh Dhanoya HarenderS
- Pedro Manuel Garrido Ortiz garrido18
- Jesús Elvira Piqueras krate95
Entity | Description |
Movies | Movie info |
Shows | Shwos info |
Books | Books info |
Comments_movies | Joins comments and movies |
Points_movies | Joins points and movies |
Comments_shows | Joins comments and shows |
Points_shows | Joins points and shows |
Comments_books | Joins comments and books |
Points_books | Joins points and books |
Gender | Genders of the movies, shows and books |
Actors | Shows and movies actors |
Users | Users of the webpage (normal,moderator and admin) |
Lists | User's lists of following content |
Reccomended content.
Searching by tags and genders.
Global rating of the content.
Verification email sent when an new user signs up in the site.
Pdf generation on user's demand with a list of the viewed content.
Facebook account login.
This image carousel shows the last 3 items added to the web (book,show & film)
And this last 2 images also shows the index as you scroll down, revealing the Graphics which can show you all the content in the
web ordered by genres and best valorations at the moment.
Here you can search every film in the web, without any criteria or ordered by the most valorated ones.
Exactly as the previous image, but with the shows
In this page, you can search every item in the web (books,films or shows) by genre or name.
Here you can log in if you already have an account,register using Facebook, or you can create an account (with e-mail confirmation)
As you can see, registered users has 2 new features: Administration and MyProfile
This page allows an admin to change content name or even delete it. Admins also can delete a registered account
Here an admin can upload any item (film,show or book) adding an image, genre, description... etc
Here you can check you username, email, and all other users stuff
As you can see, in every item of films/shows/books now appears a green button to add that concrete item to some of your lists
Here you can add a new list, delete a created list and also create a PDF with all your favourite lists