This is a website that I created to company Malisi Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho e Meio Ambiente as a freelancer. I did everything from scratch, from choosing technologies to brig great efficency, performance and scalability to the project, until modern design of pages/components with the Figma, always respecting business rules.
- ✅ Soft skills like, conversation and translate bussines rules to code.
- ✅ Create pages design in Figma.
- ✅ How hosting works and the difference between the various types of hosting
- ✅ Standardize commits.
- ✅ Organize folder and components with Atomica design tips.
- TypeScrip - Language
- ⏭️ Next.js - Framework
- 🧣Styles
- 🎢 Tailwind CSS
- tailwind-merge
- clsx
- 🔮 Animaton
- 🪄 Framer-motion
- 🍔 Hamburger-react
- 🎠 Swiper
- 🩻 React-loading-skeleton
- 🎢 Tailwind CSS
- 👻 Jotai - State Management.
- 🧹 Linter
- 💬 Git
- husky 🐶
- commitlint 🪝
- Commitizen
- 🖼️ Code
- Eslint
- Prettier 🦋
- 💬 Git
- React-use