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Updated and removed old and useless code from DRG Loadout R…
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Casper1123 committed Jul 6, 2022
1 parent e54c643 commit 3646f2e
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Showing 2 changed files with 4 additions and 253 deletions.
253 changes: 0 additions & 253 deletions DRG Loadout
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Expand Up @@ -11,27 +11,6 @@
mocwx = 200
mocwy = 245 # My Overclocks window size.

"""# Input tables -- used for inputs
exit_table = ("exit", "e", "close")
settings_table = ("s", "settings", "o", "options")
generate_table = ("g", "generate", "start", "s")
return_table = ("back", "b")
clean_table = ("clean", "c", "empty")
information_table = ("i", "info", "information")
inputs_table = ("i", "inputs", "in")
grenades_table = ("g", "grenades", "nades")
weapons_table = ("w", "weapons", "guns", "weapon")
classes_table = ("c", "class", "classes", "dwarf")
save_to_file_table = ("s", "save", "file", "save to file")
no_overclock_table = ("n", "no", "no overclock")
upgrades_table = ("u", "upgrades")
all_overclocks_table = ("e", "enable", "on", "true")
my_overclocks_table = ("m", "my", "my oc", "my ocs", "my overclocks")
list_table = ("l", "list")
edit_table = ("e", "edit")""" # Redundant with tkinter usage

# Settings -- Translate ints to str from settings. These are for displaying in certain strings
weapons_dict = {
1: "Primary",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,228 +191,6 @@ def remove_from_list(container: list, content) -> list:
return output

"""def my_overclocks_list() -> str:
# Load data required for output string
usrdata = user_data()
weapondata = loadout_data()
output = "\nYour saved 'obtained Overclocks':\n" # Preps output string
# for class and then weapon, make string
for classt in range(1, 5): # I did not know that it does not include the second number in here. Anyhow, 1-4 for each class.
output = f"{output}" \
f"{class_dict[classt]}:\n" # Adds class indicator
for weapont in range(1, 7):
weaponslot = 0
if weapont > 3: # This is here because when its 4+ it needs to shift to secondary. Could have been done better with another for-loop perhaps?
weapont -= 3
weaponslot = 1
output = f"{output} {weapondata[str(classt)][weaponslot][str(weapont)][0]}: {unpack_to_string(container=usrdata[str(classt)][weaponslot][str(weapont)], space=True, comma=True, moc=True)}\n"
# Line above makes this:" Weaponname: [overclocks]".
return output.removesuffix("\n") # I will return to the \n spam eventually, I promise.""" # Not redundant yet, just not completely used anymore.

"""# Interactables
def settings_loop():
while True:
f"\nSettings: Grenades, Weapons, Class, No-overclock, Upgrades, All-overclocks, My-Overclocks, Information, Save to file, Back/Exit\n"
f"Current settings:\n"
f"Grenades - {settings()[grenades_str]}\n"
f"Weapons - {weapons_dict[settings()[weapons_str]]}\n"
f"Class - {class_dict[settings()[pclass_str]]}\n"
f"No-Overclock - {settings()[no_overclock_str_set]}\n"
f"Upgrades - {settings()[upgrades_str]}\n"
f"Save to file - {settings()[savetofile_str]}\n"
f"My-Overclocks - See settings\n"
f" Enabled - {settings()[all_overclocks_str]}\n\n") # Does what it shows it does. Prints current setting status.
inputy2 = input("//Settings: ").lower().removesuffix("\n") # Takes user input, duuh
if inputy2 in return_table + exit_table:
return # If the user input says to close the loop, close it
elif inputy2 in grenades_table:
if settings()["Grenades"] is False:
write_setting("Grenades", True)
write_setting("Grenades", False)
print("Changed grenade settings")
elif inputy2 in weapons_table:
if settings()["Weapons"] == 3:
write_setting("Weapons", 1)
write_setting("Weapons", settings()["Weapons"] + 1)
print("Changed weapons settings")
elif inputy2 in classes_table:
if settings()["pClass"] == 6:
write_setting("pClass", 1)
write_setting("pClass", settings()["pClass"] + 1)
print("Changed class settings")
elif inputy2 in save_to_file_table:
if settings()["SaveToFile"] is False:
write_setting("SaveToFile", True)
write_setting("SaveToFile", False)
print("Changed saving settings")
elif inputy2 in no_overclock_table:
if settings()["NoOverclock"] is False:
write_setting("NoOverclock", True)
print("Added 'No Overclock' to the overclocks pool")
write_setting("NoOverclock", False)
print("Removed 'No Overclock' from the overclocks pool")
elif inputy2 in upgrades_table:
if settings()["Upgrades"] is False:
write_setting("Upgrades", True)
write_setting("Upgrades", False)
print("Changed upgrade settings")
elif inputy2 in my_overclocks_table:
my_overclocks_settings() # Initiates loop. See other function
elif inputy2 in information_table:
f"Grenades - determines if grenades are also generated.\n"
f"Weapons - Primary/Secondary/Both - determines what weapons are generated.\n"
f"Class - determines what class is used in generation.\n"
f"No-Overclock - Allows for the generation of 'No Overclock'. Autoenabled on empty lists of My-Overclocks.\n"
f"Upgrades - determines if weapon upgrade strings are generated.\n"
f"Save to file - saves output to file or not. Useful if you want to save it for laters.\n"
f" List - lists all overclocks you have set.\n"
f" Edit - edits your stored overclocks.\n"
f" Enable - Use all possible overclocks or only yours") # Gives the user some information on what each setting does.
print("Unrecognised input.\n")
def my_overclocks_settings():
while True:
print("\nMy-Overclocks settings: List, Edit, Enable, Back")
inpult = input("//My-Overclocks: ") # Give options and take input
if inpult in list_table:
print(my_overclocks_list()) # See function
elif inpult in edit_table:
my_overclocks_edit() # Starts a new loop, see it's function.
elif inpult in all_overclocks_table:
if settings()["MyOverclocks"] is False:
write_setting("MyOverclocks", True)
print("Enabled use of 'My Overclocks' only")
write_setting("MyOverclocks", False)
print("Disabled use of 'My Overclocks' only") # If you don't know what this toggles, then you need to learn to read print statements.
elif inpult in exit_table + return_table:
return # Quits loop when instructed.
print("Unrecognised input\n")
print("\n")""" # Redundant with tkinter usage

"""def my_overclocks_edit():
weapondata = loadout_data() # Load static data once
pClass, weapon, slot = 1, 1, 0 # Initiates some needed data to display.
while True:
usrdata = user_data()
print(f"\nEdit your obtained Overclocks: Class, Weapon, [number] to toggle Overclock, Back") # Give options.
print(f"Current class: {class_dict[pClass]}\nCurrent weapon: {weapondata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)][0]}\n\n[num]: [owned] - [name] - type [num] to toggle True/False (can be quite picky)")
# Print current class and selected weapon.
# Print index number (required for user input) and it's bool and oc name
for num, oc in enumerate(weapondata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)][1]):
print(f" {num}: {oc in usrdata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)]} - {oc}")
inpult = input("//My-Overclocks Edit: ") # Regular input
if inpult in classes_table:
if pClass == 4:
pClass = 1
pClass += 1
print("Changed class") # Shifts class 1-4. Because this is editing some other setting, this is not taken from the settings file.
elif inpult in weapons_table:
if weapon == 3:
if slot == 1:
slot = 0
elif slot == 0:
slot = 1
weapon = 1
weapon += 1 # Shifts weapon. If the number >3 then it will shift to the other of the primary/secondary weapon slots and go through there
elif inpult in return_table + exit_table:
return # Need some way to escape the settings man
# Toggle 'owned' status here. Always supposed to be the last elif.
elif int(inpult.removesuffix("\n").removesuffix(" ")) <= len(weapondata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)][1])-1: # if the number given is higher than any on the screen, it stops. Prevents index errors
if weapondata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)][1][int(inpult.removesuffix("\n").removesuffix(" "))] in usrdata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)]: # If the OC selected is already stored, remove it
usrdata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)] = remove_from_list(usrdata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)], weapondata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)][1][int(inpult.removesuffix("\n").removesuffix(" "))])
with open("my_ocs.json", "w") as userdatajson:
json.dump(usrdata, userdatajson)
else: # If the OC selected is not currently stored, add it to storage.
usrdata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)].append(weapondata[str(pClass)][slot][str(weapon)][1][int(inpult.removesuffix("\n").removesuffix(" "))])
with open("my_ocs.json", "w") as userdatajson:
json.dump(usrdata, userdatajson)
print("Unrecognised input\n")
except ValueError:
print("Unrecognised input\n")""" # Not redundant yet, just not completely used anymore.

"""# Main loop
print("Welcome to the Deep Rock Galactic loadout randomiser.")
while True:
print("Generate, Settings, Inputs, Exit") # Prompt options
inputy = input("//: ").lower().removesuffix("\n") # Take input
if inputy in exit_table:
sys.exit() # Closes program when prompted
elif inputy in settings_table:
settings_loop() # Starts loop, see function
elif inputy in generate_table:
print(generate_random_equipment()) # Generates and prints a string containing randomized loadout information. See function
elif inputy in inputs_table:
print(f"These are the inputs for all options in the entire program.\nIf options overlap, the one above will be used first.\n\n"
f"Generate: {unpack_to_string(generate_table,space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f"Inputs: {unpack_to_string(inputs_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f"Exit program: {unpack_to_string(exit_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f"Settings: {unpack_to_string(settings_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" Grenades: {unpack_to_string(grenades_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" Weapons: {unpack_to_string(weapons_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" Class: {unpack_to_string(classes_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" No-Overclock: {unpack_to_string(no_overclock_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" Upgrades: {unpack_to_string(upgrades_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" Save to file: {unpack_to_string(save_to_file_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" Back: {unpack_to_string(return_table, space=True, comma=True)}, {unpack_to_string(exit_table, True, True)}\n\n"
f" My-Overclocks: {unpack_to_string(my_overclocks_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" List: {unpack_to_string(list_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" Edit: {unpack_to_string(edit_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" Enable: {unpack_to_string(all_overclocks_table, space=True, comma=True)}\n"
f" Back: {unpack_to_string(return_table, space=True, comma=True)}, {unpack_to_string(exit_table, True, True)}\n"
print("Unrecognised input.\n")
print("\n")""" # Redundant with tkinter usage

# New functions with tkinter integration
# This separator is here because I've still got things to do with putting the things in the right order and commenting them.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,16 +306,6 @@ def update_moc_setting(overclock: str, variable: bool = False, *args):
# Cannot append twice because it cannot be enabled twice --> checkbutton value is loaded from usrdata upon init

"""if overclock in usrdata[str(mocClassVar.get())][mocWeaponslot][str(Weaponnum)]:
usrdata[str(mocClassVar.get())][mocWeaponslot][str(Weaponnum)] = remove_from_list(
usrdata[str(mocClassVar.get())][mocWeaponslot][str(Weaponnum)], overclock)
print(f"{overclock} was removed")
print(f"{overclock} was added")"""

def moc_overclockcheck_create(*args):
global mocOverclockList
for button in mocOverclockList:
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ My first attempt at a piece of software.

# Download:
> There are a couple known issues. If the settings are not saved or buttons cannot be changed, try running it as administrator to allow the program to edit the files.\
> If your Antivirus screams, that is because it's a python file directly turned into an executable without a certificate. All code is displayed on this page and you're free to see that there is nothing in here that can be harmful.
> You're free to whitelist it, or don't I am not the one to make that decision.
# Introduction:
This is a small piece of software that generates random equipment that you can use in game to keep it fresh, or challenging, or anything you want.\
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