Version 1.5.0
All the following changes were made to accommodate the bifacial model. The bifacial model implemented is adapted from the NREL model at
Simulation Engine
New additions:
- GroundShading class added to calculate a profile of global (beam and diffuse) irradiance for ground between rows
- BackTilter class added to calculate components of back side irradiance (diffuse, rear front-panel-reflected, ground-reflected, and beam) using view factors. Implemented for fixed tilt and single axis tracking systems
- Transpose global back side irradiance to front, weighted by the bifaciality factor
- Modify Shading class to calculate back side shading limit angle, profile angle, and shading fraction
- Modify Tracker class to recalculate ground clearance at each time step for single axis trackers
Bug fixes:
- Small calculation error in energy loss due to voltage too low
New additions:
- Bifacial sheet for user to detail bifacial parameters: ground clearance, structural blocking factor, transmission factor, bifaciality factor, and inter-row albedo
- Output sheet to include several bifacial outputs
- Loss Diagram to include bifacial gains
- Exported PDF report to include printing of bifacial model
- ToolsModule module to hold development tools, including the new ShowRangeNames and HideRangeNames macros
- Significant changes in InputFileSht to handle TMY3 and EPW files better
Bug fixes:
- Resolved problems with the saving of monthly information for albedo, bifacial albedo, and soiling in SiteSht, SaveModule, LoadModule
- Addressed issues with locking and shading of cells for tracking configurations in OrientationAndShadingSht