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@eerodrigues eerodrigues released this 19 Apr 13:40
· 16 commits to master since this release

Version 1.5.0

All the following changes were made to accommodate the bifacial model. The bifacial model implemented is adapted from the NREL model at

Simulation Engine

New additions:

  1. GroundShading class added to calculate a profile of global (beam and diffuse) irradiance for ground between rows
  2. BackTilter class added to calculate components of back side irradiance (diffuse, rear front-panel-reflected, ground-reflected, and beam) using view factors. Implemented for fixed tilt and single axis tracking systems
  3. Transpose global back side irradiance to front, weighted by the bifaciality factor
  4. Modify Shading class to calculate back side shading limit angle, profile angle, and shading fraction
  5. Modify Tracker class to recalculate ground clearance at each time step for single axis trackers

Bug fixes:

  1. Small calculation error in energy loss due to voltage too low


New additions:

  1. Bifacial sheet for user to detail bifacial parameters: ground clearance, structural blocking factor, transmission factor, bifaciality factor, and inter-row albedo
  2. Output sheet to include several bifacial outputs
  3. Loss Diagram to include bifacial gains
  4. Exported PDF report to include printing of bifacial model
  5. ToolsModule module to hold development tools, including the new ShowRangeNames and HideRangeNames macros
  6. Significant changes in InputFileSht to handle TMY3 and EPW files better

Bug fixes:

  1. Resolved problems with the saving of monthly information for albedo, bifacial albedo, and soiling in SiteSht, SaveModule, LoadModule
  2. Addressed issues with locking and shading of cells for tracking configurations in OrientationAndShadingSht