- /hh list -- Shows a list of all heads you have found, + allows you to hover them for hints.
- /hh count -- Shows the amount of heads you have found.
- /hh top -- Shows the leaderboard.
- /hh help
- /hha help
- /hha find (id) -- Gives you the coords and a clickable button to TP to it.
- /hha delete (id) -- Deletes the specified ID from database. Block is not deleted.
- /hha sethint (id) (msg) -- Sets a message as the hint for the specified ID.
- /hha add on/off. toggles addingmode. Skulls placed will automatically be added to the list.
- /hha debug -- Toggles debuging (Until reboot)
- /hha notifyadmins -- Toggles debugmessages being sendt to admings. (Until reboot)
- headhunter.basic -- Allows use of base command. If config has it enabled, it is also required to collect heads.
- headhunter.admin -- Allows use of adding and removing heads.
- %headhunter_player_found_amount% - shows the amount of heads the player has found.
- %headhunter_maxheads% - shows the amount of heads that can be found.
- %headhunter_stats_top_#% - replace # with a number. Displays the name and score of the player at the stated rank. Do not use a number higher than how many people are stated to be saved in the config file.
- %headhunter_stats_top_name_#% - replace # with a number. Shows the name of the player at that rank.
- %headhunter_stats_top_score_#% - replace # with a number. Shows the score of the player at that rank.
Copyright (c) 2021 Tirco HeadHunter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
HeadHunter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.