Hal is a scheme interpreter
The Makefile use stack. You should install it before building hal.
The REPL is an interactive interpreter.
You can launch it with -i
./hal -i
The hal interpreter can also interpret scheme files.
./hal [filenames]
Hal allow you to launch REPL after or before interpreting files and keep the context between files and REPL's inputs.
./hal [filenames] -i
./hal -i [filenames]
You can load hal stdlib by setting HAL_STD
environment variable to the path of stdlib folder.
Only files with .scm, .sps, .sls, .sld, .lisp
extensions will be interpreted in this folder.
Type | Description | Example | Note |
number | An arbitrary precision integer | 42 | In next versions number will fit floats and rationals |
char | A Char is a single unicode character | #\a | |
boolean | A boolean can be equal to #t (true) or #f (false) | #t | |
string | A type which represent a text | "hello world" | In next versions string will be a list of chars |
pair | A pair is a type that can hold 2 elements of any types | '(6 . 7) | An explicit pair should be quoted |
list | A list is a linked list made of pairs | '(6 7 #\b "hello") | An explicit list should be quoted |
symbol | A symbol is an atomic value that represented like an identifier preceded with `'` | 'hello | |
procedure | A procedure is a function | (sort '(3 2 1)) | A procedure should be apply with `(..)` to be executed |
void | Void is an empty type |
Name | Description |
cond | A cond statement take lists, if an expression of a list is false cond jump to the next list |
else | Else can be used in cond statement. Else is the last cond clause executed. |
=> | `=>` can be used in cond statement. The arrow apply procedure on the right side on expression on the left side. |
if | If work like standard if statement in other languages |
and | And take many expressions. If one expression is false `and` return false otherwise return the last argument. |
or | Or take many expressions. Return the first not false expression. |
Name | Description |
(apply procedure [exprs]) | Apply a procedure on list of exprs as arguments |
(eval expr) | Evaluate an expression |
(+ ...numbers) | Return sum of all arguments |
(- ...numbers) | Return negative sum of all arguments |
(* ...numbers) | Return product of all arguments |
(div n1 n2) | Divide n1 by n2 |
(mod n1 n2) | Return n1 modulo n2 |
(< ...numbers) | Return true if arguments are strictly increasing |
(> ...numbers) | Return true if arguments are strictly decreasing |
(cons x1 x2) | Take 2 expressions and return a pair made of them |
(car list) | Return the first element of a list/pair called `car` |
(cdr list) | Return values from the second element of list/pair called `cdr` |
(eq? x1 x2) | Return true if x1 and x2 are equals |
(eqv? x1 x2) | Return true if x1 and x2 are equivalents |
(= n1 n2) | Return true if n1 and n2 are equals |
(string=? ...strings) | Return true if all strings are equals |
(string->symbol str) | Convert string to symbol |
(symbol->string symbol) | Convert symbol to string |
(string->list str) | Convert string to list |
(list->string str) | Convert list to string |
(string->number str) | Convert string to number |
(type? expr) | Return type of an expression |
Name | Description |
(list ...lists) | Make a list composed with arguments |
(make-list k expr) | Make a list of size `k` fill with `expr` |
(sort list) | Sort a list in ascending order |
(fold-right fn end lst) | Recude list from first to last |
(fold-left fn acc lst) | Reduce list from last to first |
(map p lst) | Apply a procedure over list elements |
(filter p lst) | Filter a list with a procedure |
(member x lst) | If `x` is in `lst` return list from associated pair of `x` else return false |
(list-ref lst idx) | Get element in list at index `idx` |
(append ...lists) | Concatenate lists |
(reverse lst) | Reverse list elements |
(length lst) | Return length of a list |
Name | Description |
(fact n) | Factorial n |
(expt x n) | x^n |
(fib n) | Fibonacci sequence at n |
(odd? n) | Check if number is odd |
(even? n) | Check if number is even |
(positive? n) | Check if number is positive |
(negative? n) | Check if number is negative |
(zero? n) | Check if number is nul |
Name | Description |
(string-null? str) | Check if string is null |
(make-string k c) | Make string of size `k` fill with char `c` |
(string ...chars) | Make string from `chars` |
(string-length str) | Return size of string |
(string-ref str i) | Return char at position `i` in string `str` |
(string-append ...strs) | Concat some string |
Name | Description |
(string? x) | Check if `x` is a string |
(number? x) | Check if `x` is a number |
(list? x) | Check if `x` is a list |
(pair? x) | Check if `x` is a pair |
(boolean? x) | Check if `x` is a boolean |
(procedure? x) | Check if `x` is a procedure |
(symbol? x) | Check if `x` is a symbol |
(char? x) | Check if `x` is a char |
(atom? x) | Check if `x` is an atom |
Name | Description |
(not x) | If `x` equal false return true otherwise return false |
- IO
- Modules with export/import system
- Some chez-scheme procedures implementation