This adds two new actions and fixes a bug with an existing action.
Check out the walkthrough video for a more indepth discussion on this release.
🚀 Features
- Action: Sideload Conversation
- You can now sideload multiple conversation files in one active conversation
- Seamless transition between conversation files means the player will not notice when moving conversation files
- Ability to load into a specific node of a conversation
- Ability to resume the previous/parent conversation after the sideloaded conversation has finished
- Ability to keep sideloading conversations as required
- This provides a great way to manage complex branching/conditional conversations, better organise yourself and help teams work on conversations together
- Action: Set BattleTech Camera Hard Lock
- Similar to the vanilla
Set BattleTech Camera Lock
but works for 1-on-1 conversations, which the vanilla action did not
- Similar to the vanilla