- New system dashboard workspace layout.
- New music workspace layout.
- New desktop wallpaper.
- Use "compton" as compositor.
- Use "urxvt" as terminal with transperent background.
- Remove "i3bar".
- Replace "i3" with "i3-gaps".
- Replace "dmenu" with "rofi".
- Add "Mod + Shift + ;" to show rofi's window switcher dialog.
- Add "Mod + :" to show tmux's workspace switcher dialog.
- Add "cava" to music workspace.
- Add "tty-clock" to system dashboard workspace.
- Make "urxvt" as default terminal.
- Quick open vim script to open vim & copy its content to clipboard.
- (1) : Web Browser -> (Chrome, Firefox, etc..)
- (2) : Communication -> (Voip program(Skype, Teamspeaks), Chat(Discord, Weechat), etc..)
- (3) : Games -> (Steam, Itch.io, etc..)
- (4) : General Purpose
- (5) : General Purpose
- (6) : General Purpose
- (7) : Assests Creation Program -> (Gimp, Kritra, Inkscape, Blender, Audacity, etc..)
- (8) : Music & Video stuff + Audio mixer -> (Cmus, Mps-Youtube, alsamixer, etc..)
- (9) : Current Serious Works -> (Game Engine, Working Program Project, etc..)
- (10) : System Dashboard & System Mantinence -> (htop, free, screenfetch, terminal with pacman, etc..)
- Copy "i3-gaps/*" to "~/.config/i3"
- Copy "cava/*" to "~/.config/cava"
- Copy "cdmrc" to "~/.cdmrc"
- Copy "tmux.conf" to "~/.tmux.conf"
- Copy "Xdefaults" to "~/.Xdefaults"
- Copy "Xresources" to "~/.Xresources"
- Copy "xinitrc" to "~/.xinitrc"
- Copy "zshrc" to "~/.zshrc"
- Copy "vimrc" to "~/.vimrc"
- Copy "vimfx" to "~/.vimfx"
- Move "/usr/share/cmus/default.theme" to "default_ori.theme" && Copy "cmus/default.theme" to "~/.config/cmus"
- Copy "kmscon/kmscon.conf" to "/etc/kmscon"
- Copy "quick-open-vim/quick-open-vim.sh" to "~/Tools/bin/"
- In-case of "i3wmstripdown (autohotkey)" -> Recommend to use with Window Subsystem, Tmux and add to auto-startup to make less mouse usage experience. (You may want to compiled .ahk to .exe (Visit AutoHotKey's document for how to))
- i3-gaps
- FontAwesome
- powerline (fonts)
- Noto Sans
- Roboto
- RobotoMono
- screenfetch
- tty-clock
- cava
- feh
- scrot
- imagemagick
- ibus
- xfce4-screenshooter
- urxvt
- xflux
- oh-my-zsh
- gtk3
- ag
- xdg-user-dirs
- vim
- vimfx
- fdir
- plymouth
- lnxpcs
- zsh