Tools that will be configured by chezmoi below:
- git
- neovim
- LunarVim
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- zsh-kubectl-prompt
- tmux
- direnv
- input-remapper
- Tridactyl
Tools needed for my aliases and vim to work:
- lang and toolchains
- rustup
- node (through nvm)
- python3 (through the system)
- (TODO) uv
- command line replacements
- fzf
delta (git-delta)- cargo
- bat
- fd-find
- ripgrep
- du-dust
- (TODO review repo, pick a commit hash) zenith (cargo install --git
Other tools, useful but not blocking install:
- gh
- jq
- yq
- direnv
- kubectl
Install binary, for example:
Then configure for local files and templating:
mkdir -p ~/.config/chezmoi/
touch ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml
echo "[data]" >> ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml
echo " email = \"<EMAIL>\"" >> ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml
chezmoi cd
git remote add origin
git pull origin master
chezmoi status
chezmoi diff
- Maximize consistency everywhere
- Minimize future cost to revise
- Automation used less than yearly is the worst of all worlds
- Never do thrice, automate at twice (assuming #3)
- For aliases, use a prefix of the command when possible.
- If you're ever in an unsupported environment, muscle memory is still consistent with the default tooling (Consistency)
- If you ever revise your aliases or resolve a collision then you can still retain any existing muscle memory (Revision Cost)
- TODO philosophy on...
- keyboards,
- vi bindings everywhere,
- ephemeral environments,
- remote development,
- treat yearly setups like infra provisioning,
- SSOT where possible for binaries/shortcuts/scripts/aliases/etc,