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refactor: Make InLvl a handler instead of a command (#31)
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croyzor authored Oct 4, 2024
1 parent ed58724 commit 2f4925f
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Showing 3 changed files with 39 additions and 41 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions brat/Brat/Checker.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ run :: VEnv
-> Store
-> Namespace
-> Checking a
-> Either Error (a, ([TypedHole], Store, Graph, Namespace))
-> Either Error (a, ([TypedHole], Store, Graph))
run ve initStore ns m =
let ctx = Ctx { globalVEnv = ve
, store = initStore
Expand All @@ -950,4 +950,4 @@ run ve initStore ns m =
, typeConstructors = defaultTypeConstructors
, aliasTable = M.empty
} in
(\(a,ctx,(holes, graph),ns) -> (a, (holes, store ctx, graph, ns))) <$> handler m ctx mempty ns
(\(a,ctx,(holes, graph)) -> (a, (holes, store ctx, graph))) <$> handler (localNS ns m) ctx mempty
69 changes: 33 additions & 36 deletions brat/Brat/Checker/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ data Context = Ctx { globalVEnv :: VEnv

data CheckingSig ty where
Fresh :: String -> CheckingSig Name
-- Run a sub-process on a new namespace-level
InLvl :: String -> Checking a -> CheckingSig a
SplitNS :: String -> CheckingSig Namespace
Throw :: Error -> CheckingSig a
LogHole :: TypedHole -> CheckingSig ()
AskFC :: CheckingSig FC
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,14 +94,12 @@ localAlias :: (UserName, Alias) -> Checking v -> Checking v
localAlias _ (Ret v) = Ret v
localAlias con@(name, alias) (Req (ALup u) k)
| u == name = localAlias con $ k (Just alias)
localAlias con (Req (InLvl str c) k) = Req (InLvl str (localAlias con c)) (localAlias con . k)
localAlias con (Req r k) = Req r (localAlias con . k)

localFC :: FC -> Checking v -> Checking v
localFC _ (Ret v) = Ret v
localFC f (Req AskFC k) = localFC f (k f)
localFC f (Req (Throw (e@Err{fc=Nothing})) k) = localFC f (Req (Throw (e{fc=Just f})) k)
localFC f (Req (InLvl str c) k) = Req (InLvl str (localFC f c)) (localFC f . k)
localFC f (Req r k) = Req r (localFC f . k)

localEnv :: (?my :: Modey m) => Env (EnvData m) -> Checking v -> Checking v
Expand All @@ -116,7 +113,6 @@ localVEnv ext (Req (VLup x) k) | Just x <- M.lookup x ext = localVEnv ext (k (Ju
localVEnv ext (Req AskVEnv k) = do env <- req AskVEnv
-- ext shadows local vars
localVEnv ext (k (env { locals = M.union ext (locals env) }))
localVEnv ext (Req (InLvl str c) k) = Req (InLvl str (localVEnv ext c)) (localVEnv ext . k)
localVEnv ext (Req r k) = Req r (localVEnv ext . k)

-- runs a computation, but intercepts uses of outer *locals* variables and redirects
Expand All @@ -130,17 +126,13 @@ captureOuterLocals c = do
helper :: (VEnv, VEnv) -> Checking v
-> Checking (v, M.Map UserName [(Src, BinderType Brat)])
helper (_, captured) (Ret v) = Ret (v, captured)
helper state@(avail,_) (Req (InLvl str c) k) = do
(v, captured) <- req (InLvl str (helper state c))
helper (avail, captured) (k v)
helper (avail, captured) (Req (VLup x) k) | j@(Just new) <- M.lookup x avail =
helper (avail, M.insert x new captured) (k j)
helper state (Req r k) = Req r (helper state . k)

wrapError :: (Error -> Error) -> Checking v -> Checking v
wrapError _ (Ret v) = Ret v
wrapError f (Req (Throw e) k) = Req (Throw (f e)) k
wrapError f (Req (InLvl str c) k) = Req (InLvl str (wrapError f c)) (wrapError f . k)
wrapError f (Req r k) = Req r (wrapError f . k)

throwLeft :: Either ErrorMsg a -> Checking a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,34 +204,28 @@ catchErr (Req r k) = Req r (catchErr . k)
handler :: Free CheckingSig v
-> Context
-> Graph
-> Namespace
-> Either Error (v,Context,([TypedHole],Graph),Namespace)
handler (Ret v) ctx g ns = return (v, ctx, ([], g), ns)
handler (Req s k) ctx g ns
-> Either Error (v,Context,([TypedHole],Graph))
handler (Ret v) ctx g = return (v, ctx, ([], g))
handler (Req s k) ctx g
= case s of
Fresh str -> let (name, root) = fresh str ns in
handler (k name) ctx g root
InLvl str c -> do -- In Either Error monad
let (freshNS, newRoot) = split str ns
(v, ctx, (holes1, g), _) <- handler c ctx g freshNS
(v, ctx, (holes2, g), ns) <- handler (k v) ctx g newRoot
pure (v, ctx, (holes1 ++ holes2, g), ns)
Fresh _ -> error "Fresh in handler, should only happen under `-!`"
SplitNS _ -> error "SplitNS in handler, should only happen under `-!`"
Throw err -> Left err
LogHole hole -> do (v,ctx,(holes,g),ns) <- handler (k ()) ctx g ns
return (v,ctx,(hole:holes,g),ns)
LogHole hole -> do (v,ctx,(holes,g)) <- handler (k ()) ctx g
return (v,ctx,(hole:holes,g))
AskFC -> error "AskFC in handler - shouldn't happen, should always be in localFC"
VLup s -> handler (k $ M.lookup s (globalVEnv ctx)) ctx g ns
ALup s -> handler (k $ M.lookup s (aliasTable ctx)) ctx g ns
AddNode name node -> handler (k ()) ctx ((M.singleton name node, []) <> g) ns
Wire w -> handler (k ()) ctx ((M.empty,[w]) <> g) ns
VLup s -> handler (k $ M.lookup s (globalVEnv ctx)) ctx g
ALup s -> handler (k $ M.lookup s (aliasTable ctx)) ctx g
AddNode name node -> handler (k ()) ctx ((M.singleton name node, []) <> g)
Wire w -> handler (k ()) ctx ((M.empty,[w]) <> g)
-- We only get a KLup here if the variable has not been found in the kernel context
KLup _ -> handler (k Nothing) ctx g ns
KLup _ -> handler (k Nothing) ctx g
-- Receiving KDone may become possible when merging the two check functions
KDone -> error "KDone in handler - this shouldn't happen"
AskVEnv -> handler (k (CtxEnv { globals = globalVEnv ctx, locals = M.empty })) ctx g ns
ELup end -> handler (k ((M.lookup end) . valueMap . store $ ctx)) ctx g ns
AskVEnv -> handler (k (CtxEnv { globals = globalVEnv ctx, locals = M.empty })) ctx g
ELup end -> handler (k ((M.lookup end) . valueMap . store $ ctx)) ctx g
TypeOf end -> case M.lookup end . typeMap . store $ ctx of
Just et -> handler (k et) ctx g ns
Just et -> handler (k et) ctx g
Nothing -> Left (dumbErr . InternalError $ "End " ++ show end ++ " isn't Declared")
Declare end my bty ->
let st@Store{typeMap=m} = store ctx
Expand All @@ -250,7 +236,7 @@ handler (Req s k) ctx g ns
handler (k ())
(ctx { store =
st { typeMap = M.insert end (EndType my bty) m }
}) g ns
}) g
Define end v ->
let st@Store{typeMap=tm, valueMap=vm} = store ctx
in case track ("Define " ++ show end ++ " = " ++ show v) $ M.lookup end vm of
Expand All @@ -261,25 +247,25 @@ handler (Req s k) ctx g ns
handler (k ())
(ctx { store =
st { valueMap = M.insert end v vm }
}) g ns
}) g
-- TODO: Use the kind argument for partially applied constructors
TLup key -> do
let args = M.lookup key (typeConstructors ctx)
handler (k args) ctx g ns
handler (k args) ctx g

CLup fc vcon tycon -> do
tbl <- maybeToRight (Err (Just fc) $ VConNotFound $ show vcon) $
M.lookup vcon (constructors ctx)
args <- maybeToRight (Err (Just fc) $ TyConNotFound (show tycon) (show vcon)) $
M.lookup tycon tbl
handler (k args) ctx g ns
handler (k args) ctx g

KCLup fc vcon tycon -> do
tbl <- maybeToRight (Err (Just fc) $ VConNotFound $ show vcon) $
M.lookup vcon (kconstructors ctx)
args <- maybeToRight (Err (Just fc) $ TyConNotFound (show tycon) (show vcon)) $
M.lookup tycon tbl
handler (k args) ctx g ns
handler (k args) ctx g

type Checking = Free CheckingSig

Expand All @@ -300,7 +286,7 @@ typeErr = err . TypeErr

instance FreshMonad Checking where
freshName x = req $ Fresh x
str -! c = req $ InLvl str c
str -! c = inLvl str c

-- This way we get file contexts when pattern matching fails
instance MonadFail Checking where
Expand All @@ -318,3 +304,14 @@ suppressGraph (Ret x) = Ret x
suppressGraph (Req (AddNode _ _) k) = suppressGraph (k ())
suppressGraph (Req (Wire _) k) = suppressGraph (k ())
suppressGraph (Req c k) = Req c (suppressGraph . k)

inLvl :: String -> Checking a -> Checking a
inLvl prefix c = req (SplitNS prefix) >>= \prefixNamespace -> localNS prefixNamespace c

localNS :: Namespace -> Checking a -> Checking a
localNS _ (Ret v) = Ret v
localNS ns (Req (Fresh str) k) = let (name, root) = fresh str ns in
localNS root (k name)
localNS ns (Req (SplitNS str) k) = let (subSpace, newRoot) = split str ns in
localNS newRoot (k subSpace)
localNS ns (Req c k) = Req c (localNS ns . k)
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions brat/Brat/Load.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,8 +131,9 @@ loadStmtsWithEnv ns (venv, oldDecls, oldEndData) (fname, pre, stmts, cts) = addS
-- Generate some stuff for each entry:
-- * A map from names to VDecls (aka an Env)
-- * Some overs and outs??
(entries, (_holes, kcStore, kcGraph, ns)) <- run venv initStore ns $
withAliases aliases $ ("globals" -!) $ forM decls $ \d -> localFC (fnLoc d) $ do
let (globalNS, newRoot) = split "globals" ns
(entries, (_holes, kcStore, kcGraph)) <- run venv initStore globalNS $
withAliases aliases $ forM decls $ \d -> localFC (fnLoc d) $ do
let name = PrefixName pre (fnName d)
(thing, ins :->> outs, sig, prefix) <- case (fnLocality d) of
Local -> do
Expand All @@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ loadStmtsWithEnv ns (venv, oldDecls, oldEndData) (fname, pre, stmts, cts) = addS
let vdecls = map fst entries
-- Now generate environment mapping usernames to nodes in the graph
venv <- pure $ venv <> M.fromList [(name, overs) | ((name, _), (_, overs)) <- entries]
((), (holes, newEndData, graph, _)) <- run venv kcStore ns $ withAliases aliases $ do
((), (holes, newEndData, graph)) <- run venv kcStore newRoot $ withAliases aliases $ do
remaining <- "check_defs" -! foldM checkDecl' to_define vdecls
pure $ assert (M.null remaining) () -- all to_defines were defined
pure (venv, oldDecls <> vdecls, holes, oldEndData <> newEndData, kcGraph <> graph)
Expand Down

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