Link to shared Google Doc folder
Potential chat GUI?:
IP address: or
Start docker:
docker start ls-db
Start the lobby service:
mvn clean package spring-boot:run
Test the lobby service connection:
- git
- openjdk-17 jre
- openjdk-17 jdk
- docker
- maven 3.8.4
- Don't forget to pull the code in the server machine too :). Just ssh to the server, go to your branch and pull :)
- Create a class in networksrc. It implements Action.
- The constructor needs to take a parameter String senderName and save it in a senderName field. You can add more fields but they need to be serializable objects
- Implement isValid and execute. The network will call these on the server so only use classes/methods that are already in serversrc (very important!!! don't even import clientsrc)
- Send an ACK to all players in the specified game (see ExampleServerAction):
// get the player + game info
Player playerWhoSent = Player.getPlayerByName(senderName);
ServerGame playersCurrentGame = playerWhoSent.getCurrentGame();
// send to all players in the game
ACKManager ackManager = ACKManager.getInstance();
ExampleActionACK actionToSend = new ExampleActionACK(senderName);
ackManager.sentToAllPlayersInGame(actionToSend, playersCurrentGame);
- Or send an ACK to the sender only (see TestAction)
ACKManager ackManager = ACKManager.getInstance();
TestActionACK actionToSend = new TestActionACK();
ackManager.sendToSender(actionToSend, senderName);
Create a class in networksrc. It implements Action.
Implement isValid and execute. The network will call these on the client so only use classes/methods that are already in clientsrc (very important!! don't even import serversrc)
Now you can send the message from client to server and wait for a reply:
ACTION_MANAGER.sendActionAndGetReply(new TestAction(currentUser.getName()));
- When it's not your turn, wait for messages from the server. This method will run until it's the player's turn again, then it will exit.