Description: Peer to peer file syncing over TCP
Running on DC Linux machines:
Navigate to the folder you want to download the git repo into.
Run: git clone
All peers run: "hostname -i" to get everyone's machine's IP address.
Everyone sends their IP to all their peers. Everyone open "peers.txt" and fill it with all of your peers' IPs.
For example, if there are 3 peers with IPs,, and, then peer 1's peers file should read:
peer 2's file should read:
and peer 3's file should read:
- After everyone's peers file is correct, run: ./start
- Once all peers have run "./start", they can start editing and adding files in the P2P_Networks_Project/repo and calling "./push" to push their changes. The application is now running and fully functional.
- Once a peer is done and wants to end their application, they run "./end".
Compilation on DC Linux machines (this really shouldn't be necessary, but we're
including instructions just in case the executable doesn't work for some
Note: Compilation requires the openssl library to be installed, but you
shouldn't need to deal with this since the DC machines already have it.
Before running these commands, git clone the repository and navigate into its top level.
gcc -Wall -lcrypto -lssl -std=c99 receive.c -o receive
gcc -Wall -lcrypto -lssl -std=c99 push.c -o push
After compiling both receive.c and push.c, skip to step 3 of the Running instructions above.