Paper Title: "Software Batch Testing to Reduce Build Test Executions"
Authors: Mohammad Javad Beheshtian, Amir Hossein Bavand, and Peter C. Rigby
Contact us: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
GitHub app to create batches for Travis CI (app, source code)
RQ 1. Batching: How well does simple bisection and batching improve resource utilization?
RQ2. Risk Models: Can commit risk models improvethe resource utilization during batching?
In these research questions, we examine how many build test executions can be saved relative to testing each build individually. In RQ 1 we simple batching and bisection in RQ 2 we use risk based models to do predict builds that are likely to fail.
On all projects with more than 1000 builds on Travis CI, we investigate the relationship between batching effiectiveness and potential to save build test executions.
We examine the change in feedback time for the simple batching approaches relative to testing each commit individually.