Expression builder for AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient
$ npm install @tuplo/dynoexpr
# or with yarn
$ yarn add @tuplo/dynoexpr
Converts a plain object to a DynamoDB expression with all variables and names replaced with safe placeholders. It supports Condition
, KeyCondition
, Filter
, Projection
and Update
expressions. The resulting expressions can then be used with AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient
import dynoexpr from '@tuplo/dynoexpr';
const params = dynoexpr({
KeyCondition: { HashKey: 'key' },
Filter: { color: 'blue' },
Projection: ['weight', 'size'],
KeyConditionExpression: '(#n3141 = :v531d)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':v531d': 'key', ':v0c8f': 'blue' },
FilterExpression: '(#n9bfd = :v0c8f)',
ProjectionExpression: '#ndb8f,#n1a24',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#n3141': 'HashKey',
'#n9bfd': 'color',
'#ndb8f': 'weight',
'#n1a24': 'size'
Passing parameters to DocumentClient
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const params = dynoexpr({
KeyCondition: {
HashKey: 'key',
RangeKey: 'between 2015 and 2019',
const results = await docClient
.query({ TableName: 'table', ...params })
Using functions
supports a number of functions to be evaluated when parsing expressions. You don't need to reference the path
argument because that's identified by the object's key.
const params = dynoexpr({
Condition: {
docs: 'attribute_exists',
brand: 'attribute_not_exists',
extra: 'attribute_type(NULL)',
color: 'begins_with dark',
address: 'contains(Seattle)',
description: 'size < 20',
ConditionExpression: '(attribute_exists(#nd286)) \
AND (attribute_not_exists(#n0ed7)) \
AND (attribute_type(#na4d6,:vec29)) \
AND (begins_with(#n9bfd,:vbe37)) \
AND (contains(#n536a,:v7bff)) \
AND (size(#n2786) < :v3b84)',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#nd286': 'docs',
'#n0ed7': 'brand',
'#na4d6': 'extra',
'#n9bfd': 'color',
'#n536a': 'address',
'#n2786': 'description'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':vec29': 'NULL',
':vbe37': 'dark',
':v7bff': 'Seattle',
':v3b84': 20
Using multiple expressions on the same request
const params = dynoexpr({
Update: { Sum: 'Sum + 20' },
Condition: { Sum: `< 100` },
ConditionExpression: '(#na3d5 < :vc6dd)',
UpdateExpression: 'SET #na3d5 = #na3d5 + :v3b84'
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#na3d5': 'Sum'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':vc6dd': 100,
':v3b84': 20
Keep existing Expressions, AttributeNames and AttributeValues
const params = dynoexpr({
Filter: { color: 'blue' },
ProjectionExpression: '#year',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#year': 'year',
ProjectionExpression: '#year',
FilterExpression: '(#n9bfd = :v0c8f)',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#year': 'year',
'#n9bfd': 'color'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':v0c8f': 'blue'
Only changes known expression parameters
You can pass the whole request parameters to dynoexpr
- only the expression builders will be replaced.
const params = dynoexpr({
TableName: 'Table',
Key: { HashKey: 'key' },
ReturnConsumedCapacity: 'TOTAL',
KeyCondition: {
color: 'begins_with dark',
TableName: 'Table',
Key: { HashKey: 'key' },
ReturnConsumedCapacity: 'TOTAL',
KeyConditionExpression: '(begins_with(#n9bfd,:vbe37))',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#n9bfd': 'color'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':vbe37': 'dark'
Type the resulting parameters
The resulting object is type-compatible with all DocumentClient
requests, but if you want to be specific, dynoexpr
accepts a generic type to be applied to the return value.
const params = dynoexpr<AWS.DocumentClient.ScanInput>({
TableName: 'Table',
Filter: { year: 2015 },
Projection: ['color', 'brand'],
Expression builder parameters
type DynamoDbPrimitive = string | number | boolean | object;
type DynamoDbValue =
| DynamoDbPrimitive
| DynamoDbPrimitive[]
| Set<DynamoDbPrimitive>;
// all attributes are optional, depending on what expression(s) are to be built
Condition: { [key: string]: DynamoDbValue },
ConditionLogicalOperator: 'AND' | 'OR',
KeyCondition: { [key: string]: DynamoDbValue },
KeyConditionLogicalOperator: 'AND' | 'OR',
FilterCondition: { [key: string]: DynamoDbValue },
FilterLogicalOperator: 'AND' | 'OR',
Projection: string[],
Update: { [key: string]: DynamoDbValue },
UpdateAction: 'SET' | 'ADD' | 'DELETE' | 'REMOVE';
Parameters accepted by AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient
// all attributes are optional depending on the expression(s) being built
ConditionExpression: string,
KeyConditionExpression: string,
FilterConditionExpression: string,
ProjectionExpression: string,
UpdateExpression: string,
ExpressionAttributeNames: { [key: string]: string },
ExpressionAtributeValues: { [key: string]: string },
Contributions are always welcome!