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How to use the API (version 1.9 and older)

CC007 edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 1 revision

There are a few classes that are most important to know about if you want to use HeadsPluginAPI:


This is the starting point in getting heads from the database. This class is a singleton, so you will have to use this code to get a HeadsUtils object:

HeadsUtils hu = HeadsUtils.getInstance();

with this object you can get heads from one of the categories or one of the heads databases. Example:

List<Head> heads = hu.getHeads(searchString);

For a full list of methods, you can look here: link


This is an interface that is used to connect to a certain heads database. It has 3 implementing classes: FreshCoalLoader, MineSkinLoader and MinecraftHeadsLoader.

To select which database to select to, you have to do the following:

// for connecting to the database
hu.setDatabaseLoader(new FreshCoalLoader()); 

// for connecting to the database
hu.setDatabaseLoader(new MineSkinLoader()); 

// for connecting to the database (where sender is a CommandSender to send progress messages to, because of how slow this connection is)
hu.setDatabaseLoader(new MinecraftHeadsLoader(sender)); 

// for selecting the default database (freshcoal). Always use this after changing the connection when you are done with requesting heads from the database, for backwards compatibility!


This class is used to get an itemstack or itemstack list of the heads. Example:

List<ItemStack> itemStacks = HeadCreator.getItemStacks(heads);

You can then use these itemstacks to give the heads to the player, show them in an inventory, etc.

For a full list of methods, click here: link


This class is a helper class to place the heads somewhere in the world. Example:

ItemStack head = ...; // the head itemstack that you want to place in the world
int x, y, z = ...; // the x, y and z coordinates for where to put the head
int rotation = ...; // how the head should be rotated
World world = ...; // the world where you want to place the head
HeadsPlacer.placeHead(itemStack, x, y, z, rotation, world, Bukkit.getLogger()); // choose the logger that you prefer, like Bukkit.getLogger() or plugin.getLogger()

For a full list of methods, click here: link