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Impact Assessment Page

mtdang edited this page Mar 10, 2018 · 5 revisions

Legal Issues – Are there any applicable laws or legislation that will be relevant to the use and/or the construction of the system you are building?

Because we will be storing user information that will be private, we will need to follow legal guidelines of PIPEDA specifically when dealing with passwords. We will be hashing the passwords to keep them secure.
As well as this, our data is coming from scraping the data from This will be a legal issue, specifically copyright, if we decide to market this application on the play store.
Ownership: Each member in this group will have a copy of the application and we will all own the application as a team.

Standards – What technical standards are relevant to the software system you will build? These could be government standards, industry standards, or even just conventions that are followed in the market for your system. Be sure to clearly identify what type of standard you are talking about and who is the relevant authority for the standard.

Industry Standards:
We are using the MVC with a REST interface for the back-end and an iOS and an android app that interfaces the common back-end.

Liability Issues – What is the potential for liability either to yourself or your customer or users of the system, if it is misused or has flaws?

A potential liability issue with our system is the potential of consumer hard due to their own dietary restrictions. To solve this, we will have a terms of service that the user has to agree to stating that our application cannot guarantee that meals made using our recipes will be completely void any of the user’s dietary restrictions.

Societal Issues – What is the potential for this system to be beneficial or detrimental to society as a whole?

The system is meant to be beneficial to society by providing a platform that gives users easy access to recipes that they may like and that will be beneficial to their health goals. Foodora’s main goal for society is to recommend recipes for people based on what they have previously been interested in. Along with this, our application will work as a fitness/meal plan system that will recommend users meals based on their fitness goals.

User Community – What impact will this system have on the intended user community?

The user community that is associated with Foodora will be a wide range of users. This application can be used to for advanced cooks who are just looking for new recipes to cook as well as beginner cooks who need step by step instructions as to how to create meals. Along with this, the system will be used to recommend new meal ideas for users with an account based on the user’s previous searches and saved recipes. Another user that would use this system are users who are interested in nutrition and health. This system will have a feature that allows these users to input weight, caloric intake, etc. goals,

Financial Impact – What are the financial costs of deploying and supporting the system for yourself, the customer, users, and society as a whole?

A financial costs we may have to deal with is paying money to get a VM.

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