☝️ Proposal What problem does your app solve?
- It's a reminder app to help people remember to water their plants on a consistent basis
Be as specific as possible; how does your app solve the problem?
- The user will set inside of the app the frequency for how often they would like to water their plants, and the app will send them a reminder shortly before the set interval.
What is the mission statement?
- No more wilted plants
💡 Features What features are required for your minimum viable product?
- user can sign-up / create an account by providing a unique username, a valid mobile phoneNumber and a password.
- user can login to an authenticated session using the credentials provided at account creation / signup.
- Authenticated user can Create, Update and Delete a plant object. At a minimum, each plant must have the following properties: id: Integer nickname: String species : String h2oFrequency: Type determined by implementation image: (optional)
- Authenticated user can view a list of created plants. A plant can be deleted or selected to present user with a detail view where user can then update any property of the selected plant.
- Authenticated user can update their phoneNumber and password.
What features may you wish to put in a future release?
- A day before reminder
- Add a proxy user to water your plants when you’re out of town.
- A little daily digest article on other plants or their plant of choice
- A list of alarm sound options
- A photo diary of plant with the ability to take plant photos to track plant growth and progress.
- Daily notes for plants state and health
What do the top 3 similar apps do for their users?
- A theme option to change the look of the app
- Daily notes
- Subscription plan for extra features
🛠 Frameworks - Libraries
🎯 Target Audience
Who is your target audience? Be specific.
- Plant lovers across all age groups
- Busy individuals who often forget to water their plants
What feedback have you gotten from potential users?
- Have you validated this problem and your solution with a target audience? Describe how.
🔑 Prototype Key Feature(s)
How long do you think it will take to implement these features?
- Longer then a week
Do you anticipate working on stretch functionality after completion of a Minimal Viable Product?
- If time allows and team participation is present.