Welcome to this exercise to help you practice the use of Git & GitHub
This exercise is based around a single HTML page that makes use of separate CSS, JavaScript and image assets. The files provided are stored in a typical directory structure for a page like this, and are linked using relative paths in the <head></head>
of the HTML file for the CSS and JavaScript files, and in the <body></body>
for the images where used.
First, fork this repository to your own GitHub account by clicking the fork button.
In the folder you want to use for development work, create a folder with your github nickname.
├── README.md
└── github-username-directory
Then change into that direction
cd [URL to your directory]
In GitHub, locate the 'Clone or download' button, select the HTTPS option, then click on the clipboard to copy the path of the repo
Next, clone your fork from your GitHub repo to your local machine using
git clone [URL to your repo]
- From your command line, open VSCode using
code .
- Take careful note that there is a period (full-stop) at the end of that command. - Take a look around the code inside VSCode and get a feel for how the directory is structured with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and assets all located within their own directories.
- Open the `index.html file in your browser by right-clicking on the HTML file and selecting the 'Open in default browser option'. You should now see a form very similar to the one you completed when you applied to CodeYourFuture, but it still need more work...
- Complete the following tasks in pairs:
5. Make the inputs for First Name, Last Name, Email and Password mandatory by adding an asterisk
to the end of their associated label, and then style it to show in red. Hint: Check your CSS file to see if there's already a rule that you could use for that. 6. One of the inputs near the bottom of the form isn't currently being used for anything. Turn it into a "How did you hear about us? *" input, and add an approproate placeholder. 7. Some of the placeholders for the other fields currently contain dummy text, or nothing - change those as necessary. 8. Notice that the text at the top of the form (grey part) and the register button are very close to the forms edge. Pick an appropriate element and add1em
of padding to the top and bottom only.
Refresh your browser regularly to see the effect your changes have on the page.
Once your updates are complete and you are happy with them, complete the normal steps with Git to get them pushed up to your GitHub repo
git add -A
git commit -m "something meaningful"
git push origin master
Refresh your repo page on GitHub and check that it's now showing you commits
Then create a pull request from your fork. This will automatically include all the commits you have made to the repository.
Add the title of exercise to the pull request, e.g. "Git/GitHub Exercise".
Then add a comment to the pull request. Your comment should follow this format:
* Comfortability [0 to 5]
* Completeness [0 to 5]
* What was a win?
* What was a challenge?
* Any other comments
The volunteer team will then review your pull requests and decide whether to accept, reject or modify them.
If you have any problems with submitting assignments, ask a volunteer to help you.