I always forget birthdays. This uses my contact list to make sure I don't.
fake contact list from [email protected]:masterkrang/fake-vcards.git
- navigate to the project directory
- then run
python cli.py --keyword bdays
Example use
python cli.py --keyword bdays
[Out] Pablo, Hugo, Diego, Ana were born this month.
clone the repository
navigate to it, create a new venv (python -m venv <<env_name>>), activate it, and then run pip install -r requirements.txt
. Use the CLI to see birthdays.
- read xls file
- read birthday dates
- use time module to return people with birthdays within the same month
- add quick and dirty CLI
- work directly/ modify vcf file
- work with other "Birthday" string formats. https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-behavior