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/ Showcase Public archive

Create cards of items, with multiple options to display them, and a management system which grafts into your existing Laravel authentication system.

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A Laravel package which adds the ability to create "showcases", or view boxes which contain cards "trophies" of items. It also includes an admin panel to manage displays and trophies, which can only be accessed by a logged-in Auth user. Intended for use by Laravel 5.4+

Still being developed!


Install the package

composer require brokerexchange/showcase

To include the assets, you have two options:

  1. @import "vendor/brokerexchange/showcase/resources/assets/build/public"; in your main stylesheet, which will include the styles as part of your app's compiled styles.

  2. php artisan vendor:publish --tag=showcase-assets and link to /vendor/showcase/public.css in the <head>.

If you want to publish all the assets:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=showcase

If you only want to publish specific pieces:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=showcase-assets
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=showcase-config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=showcase-views

TODO: Finish this section and fix things so you don't have to use public/vendor

Install the package development environment

git clone [the-url]
composer install
npm install

Test Project

To create a test project: bash

This can also be used to rebuild the test project if you messed something up.

If you want to use a different DB, change the credentials at the top of to match your desired credentials.


To update the test project with package changes: bash

This will also dump composer's autoload and clear the Laravel cache and compiled views.

Flags you can use:

  • --migrations: run database migrations
  • --rundev: run the package npm run dev before updating the test project


The test project generates Auth during the build. A default user is created with the test project:

email: [email protected]
password: secret

You will need this to access the Showcase admin panels, as they are secured behind the Auth middleware by default. This can be changed from the config file.


To build the package JS and SCSS assets during development, just use the --rundev flag when running the update script. It will take care of compiling your assets and moving them to the proper locations in the test project.

You will still need to add a link for the showcase stylesheets to the test project head, as outlined in the package install instructions.


Showcase is designed to be as simple to use as possible.


Using displays on your frontend is easy. First, get a display and pass it into the view:

$display = \Showcase\Showcase::display('Sample Box'); // display($id) works as well!
return view('', compact('display'));

To use it in the view, simply use the @showcaseDisplay() directive:


The display's template will be rendered automatically.


If you look in the default display component views, you'll notice that they each call showcaseTrophy($trophy, $display). This directive renders a trophy component view, which renders a trophy's component view (or the display's default trophy component view, if force_trophy_default is set to true).

Both display and trophy component views can be customized.

Note: Currently, there is no "sort" functionality, but you can still sort trophies within a display by detaching/attaching trophies from a display, which will put a particular trophy last in the sorting order. This is for alpha functionality only, and proper sorting will be in place for 1.0

End User Customization

Display Components

After you've installed the package, you can use php artisan vendor:publish --tag=showcase to publish the package resources.

Modify Existing Views

Once the resources are published, you can find them in the resources/views/vendor/showcase directory. You can modify any of the package views, including the admin panels.

Add Custom Display Component

If you want to add a custom component, just create a new file in resources/views/vendor/showcase/public/components. Then, when creating or editing a display, your custom component will show up in the dropdown selection!

Custom CSS

Just target the Showcase selectors with your CSS to customize the styling. To make the custom styling show up on the admin panels, make sure you add a link tag for your CSS to the _stylesheets include in resources/views/vendor/showcase/app/includes.


There are some configuration options exposed for you in the config file showcase.php.

  • table_prefix sets the prefix used by Showcase tables
  • middleware sets what middleware Showcase routes go through (comma delimited)
  • description_length sets a character limit on the description field
  • route_prefix sets the prefix used for Showcase routes and named routes

Table Prefix

By default, all showcase tables are prefixed with showcase_. You may change this to whatever you desire.


By default, all admin routes for Showcase are passed through web and auth. You may change this array in config to add or remove middleware as you want.


Create cards of items, with multiple options to display them, and a management system which grafts into your existing Laravel authentication system.






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