- vscode communicates to the debug adapter that a breakpoint has been set and where
- a chrome debugging client passes the request to chrome after some source map stuff
- uses the
yo code
extension skeleton setup
things to do to get it to work:
- close all chrome windows/tabs so you can start a session in debug mode
- in a terminal run
chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
- if you connect, you'll some readout in the terminal or check
- if you connect, you'll some readout in the terminal or check
- set the URL you want to debug in
npm run watch
in a terminal in vscode- in the debug panel, select
Run Extension
- in the extension host window, open a project w/ cljs
- in
, add this to launch configurations :
"type": "clojurescript",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch CLJS Debugger"
must match the type specified in your extension'spackage.json
- go to a
file (this activates the extension) - set a breakpoint
- in the extension host, run the "Launch CLJS debugger"
- your chrome session should be at the URL specified
- you may have to reload the page; check the debug console; the page should trip on your breakpoint at some point
- reduce the steps to get this running
- passing in URL
- when you get breakpoint from vscode, need to ask the debugger to re-read that file?
- you can bypass
if you know the url and the source map info? usesetBreakpointByUrl
- you can bypass
- add features
- send debug data back to vscode
- pause on line in vscode
- the sourcemap reading is janky
- seems possible that the debugger itself should be a standalone project/process and this should house the debug adapter?
- integrate w/ shadow?