LMSMirror is a free and open-source client of LMS (Blackboard).
Table of Contents
git clone https://github.com/Bowserinator/LMSMirror
- Install the needed dependencies and move to the frontend folder
npm install && cd frontend
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
npm run build
npm run start
# generate static project
npm run generate
# prettier formatting
npm run pretty
# prettier lint check
npm run linting
- Create a branch
git checkout -b branch-name
- Switch to the recently created branch
git checkout branch-name
- Change the files that are needed
- Add your changes to staging
git add .
- Commit your files to staging
git commit -m "commit message"
- Connect your branch to the repo and push up
git push -u origin branch-name
- Update your local repository with current remote repository
git pull
Refer to our Wiki