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BloodWorkXGaming edited this page Mar 14, 2018 · 1 revision


This is the registry for hammering Blocks into a different Item, mostly used for Cobble -> Gravel -> Sand -> Dust.


The syntax is one large Map (Therefore enclosed by { ... }) followed by many comma separated entries which each have a list of items they can drop ("key": [{...}, {...}, ...]) for the different items.


  "minecraft:concrete:8": [
      "item": "minecraft:concrete_powder:8",
      "amount": 1,
      "miningLevel": 1,
      "chance": 1.0,
      "fortuneChance": 0.0
  "ore:sand": [
      "item": "exnihilocreatio:block_dust:0",
      "amount": 1,
      "miningLevel": 0,
      "chance": 1.0,
      "fortuneChance": 0.0


  • "key": [....]:
    The key can be two things here:

    1. Item: "modid:item:meta" (for example: "minecraft:concrete:8")
    2. OreDict: ore:ORENAME (for example "ore:sand")
  • "amount": 1:
    The amount that should drop when breaking the block with a hammer

  • "miningLevel": 1:
    Mininglevel which is needed to break this block. (3 = DIAMOND, 2 = IRON, 1 = STONE, 0 = WOOD/GOLD)

  • "chance": 1.0:
    The drop at which it should drop when broken with a normal tool

  • "fortuneChance": 0.0:
    How much the drop rate should increase when the tool has a fortune effect on it.

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