Tags: BlackBoxVision/react-native-fbsdk-next
chore(release): 8.0.5 [skip ci] ### [8.0.5](thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next@v8.0.4...v8.0.5) (2022-05-18) ### Bug Fixes * **android:** handle setDataProcessingOptions params correctly to avoid crash ([thebergamo#256](thebergamo#256)) ([1426cf8](thebergamo@1426cf8))
chore(release): 8.0.4 [skip ci] ### [8.0.4](thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next@v8.0.3...v8.0.4) (2022-05-12) ### Bug Fixes * **expo, ios:** pass through config for ios user tracking permission ([thebergamo#250](thebergamo#250)) ([3915fb6](thebergamo@3915fb6))
chore(release): 8.0.3 [skip ci] ### [8.0.3](thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next@v8.0.2...v8.0.3) (2022-05-10) ### Bug Fixes * **expo, ios:** add client token to info plist (fixes [thebergamo#228](thebergamo#228)) ([thebergamo#249](thebergamo#249)) ([facde8e](thebergamo@facde8e))
chore(release): 8.0.2 [skip ci] ### [8.0.2](thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next@v8.0.1...v8.0.2) (2022-05-04) ### Bug Fixes * **ios:** use facebook-ios-sdk 13.2.0 / archive with Xcode < 13.3 ([thebergamo#246](thebergamo#246)) ([d149b66](thebergamo@d149b66)), closes [/github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/issues/2062#issuecomment-1117736024](https://github.com/thebergamo//github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/issues/2062/issues/issuecomment-1117736024) [thebergamo#244](thebergamo#244)
chore(release): 8.0.1 [skip ci] ### [8.0.1](thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next@v8.0.0...v8.0.1) (2022-04-30) ### Bug Fixes * **android:** ShareDialog.setMode('native') throws in Turkish language ([thebergamo#240](thebergamo#240)) ([30d9dd3](thebergamo@30d9dd3))
chore(release): 8.0.0 [skip ci] ## [8.0.0](thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next@v7.3.3...v8.0.0) (2022-04-18) ### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES * **sdks:** this version uses new major versions of the underlying SDKs and has breaking changes: - iOS mininum target now 11, alter your Podfile and in project.pbxproj as needed - Xcode 13+ required going forward. Xcode 12 not supported - Share dialog description and title were deprecated in v12, removed now - Client access token required: configure on Facebook console and in the app - GMS AD_ID Android Permission added by native SDK by default, use AndroidManifest tools:remove if unwanted Please note the Expo config plugin has not been updated yet to handle client access token, use v12 if you need Expo config plugins. Follow thebergamo#228 for updates or post a PR if this is important to you. Thanks! ### Features * **sdks:** Update to v13 of native SDKs ([thebergamo#221](thebergamo#221)) ([493a638](thebergamo@493a638)) ### Bug Fixes * **jest:** add LoginManager.logOut + AccessToken mocks ([thebergamo#223](thebergamo#223)) ([5ba05f3](thebergamo@5ba05f3))
chore(release): 7.3.3 [skip ci] ### [7.3.3](thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next@v7.3.2...v7.3.3) (2022-03-04) ### Bug Fixes * **android, setUserId:** temporary android workaround for using setUserID(null) ([thebergamo#214](thebergamo#214)) ([231f969](thebergamo@231f969)) * **types:** allow null value for AppEventsLogger.setUserID ([thebergamo#213](thebergamo#213)) ([72f861b](thebergamo@72f861b))
chore(release): 7.3.2 [skip ci] ### [7.3.2](thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next@v7.3.1...v7.3.2) (2022-02-28) ### Bug Fixes * **expo, ios:** remove unnecessary compiler_flags in plugin podspec ([thebergamo#211](thebergamo#211)) ([ce57919](thebergamo@ce57919))
chore(release): 7.3.1 [skip ci] ### [7.3.1](thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next@v7.3.0...v7.3.1) (2022-02-24) ### Bug Fixes * **types:** specify new types output dir after expo plugin addition ([b4bd5fc](thebergamo@b4bd5fc))
chore(release): 7.3.0 [skip ci] ## [7.3.0](thebergamo/react-native-fbsdk-next@v7.2.0...v7.3.0) (2022-02-23) ### Features * create expo config plugin ([thebergamo#205](thebergamo#205)) ([d44e360](thebergamo@d44e360))