- Visualise RNA-seq differential expression data.
- Perform your own DGE analysis, or use the inbuilt server to analyse from your own "counts" file.
Access a public web service running DGE-Vis.
View a short video of the interface in use.
If you do not want to use the public DGE-Vis installation, you may install your own.
You first need to grab a copy of DGE-Vis.
git clone [email protected]:Victorian-Bioinformatics-Consortium/dge-vis
DGE-Vis can be installed in two ways:
- Perform your own DGE analysis, and use only the web frontend from DGE-Vis
- Install the frontend and backend software to perform analysis and visualise the results.
To use the frontend visualisation, you will need to have done your own DGE analysis with a tool like edgeR or voom. You will need CSV file contain a line per gene, and the following columns:
- ID - containing a unique identifier for each gene (required)
- Adjusted p-value - The adjusted p-value (FDR or similar) for that gene (required)
- Log intensity for each condition - Used to compute the log fold-change (required)
- Gene info - Arbitrary information columns to display in the gene list table (optional)
- Read counts - Read counts for each replicate, only used for display purposes (optional)
You need to create a settings.js
file to specify the columns of you CSV file. As an example, see the examples/basic-settings.js
- GHC 6.12 or later
- Python
- CoffeeScript
It can be installed as an apache CGI site, or run in "dev" mode using a standalone python server. Here we describe how to run in "dev" mode.
There are javascript tests which can be run locally. Ensure you have compiled the CoffeeScript:
coffee -c -o tests/js/js-build coffee
coffee -c -o tests/js/js-build tests/js
Then you can either run the tests in your browser (navigate to http://localhost:8000/)
(cd tests/js/ ; python -mSimpleHTTPServer)
Or, if you have phantomjs installed you can run the tests from the command line: ./test-js.sh
- will only compute clustering (and be useful) if fewer than 4000 points. Needs a faster algorithm
- Clustering algorithm is naive greedy N^2. So, not fast, and not a great clustering.
- Installing the full backend is barely documented