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Alexandria W. edited this page Feb 24, 2025 · 2 revisions

FoxAFK is an AFK handler which shows your AFK status and how long you've been AFK for in your nameplate. You will go AFK after 2 minutes of not moving.


Nameplate Placeholder

Sets your nameplate to Steve [AFK 3:00] when you are AFK and Steve when you aren't.


The ${afk} placeholder works only on nameplates and not text tasks. Look at further examples if you are using a custom text task nameplate.

-- Set nameplate on init, a require isn't required

More information on Nameplates:

Manual Nameplate

If you wish to manually add the AFK indicator in your nameplate. Can be useful if you want to use this with text tasks.


require("FOXAPI.api") -- Require FOXAPI

local foxafk = FOXAPI.afk -- Access FoxAFK module globals
foxafk.config.usePlaceholder = false -- Disable the placeholder system

function events.tick()
  nameplate.ALL("Steve" .. foxapi.fancyAFK) -- Set your nameplate to Steve [AFK 3:00] but manually


require("FOXAPI.api") -- Require FOXAPI

local foxafk = FOXAPI.afk -- Access FoxAFK module globals
foxafk.config.usePlaceholder = false -- Disable the placeholder system

function events.tick()
  if foxapi.isAFK then
    nameplate.ALL("Steve [AFK " .. foxapi.afk .. "]" ) -- Set your nameplate to Steve [AFK 3:00] but manually
    nameplate.ALL("Steve") -- Set your nameplate to Steve

Play a honk shoo sound randomly while you're AFK

require("FOXAPI.api") -- Require FOXAPI

local foxafk = FOXAPI.afk -- Access FoxAFK module globals

local timer = 0
local timerMin, timerMax = 5 * 20, 25 * 20 -- The soonest or latest to play the sound
local timerEnd = math.random(timerMin, timerMax)
function events.tick()
  if foxafk.isAFK then -- While you're AFK
    timer = timer + 1
    if timer >= timerEnd then
      if player:isLoaded() then -- You're getting the player's pos, you should check if the player is loaded
        sounds:playSound("", player:getPos())

      timer = 0 -- Reset the timer
      timerEnd = math.random(timerMin, timerMax)

Play an animation when you start being AFK and another when you stop being AFK

require("FOXAPI.api") -- Require FOXAPI

local foxafk = FOXAPI.afk -- Access FoxAFK module globals

local wasAFK
function events.tick()
  if wasAFK ~= foxafk.isAFK then
    animations.player.afkAnimation:setPlaying(foxafk.isAFK) -- Animation to play when you become AFK
    animations.player.unafkAnimation:setPlaying(not foxafk.isAFK) -- Animation to play when you stop being AFK

    wasAFK = foxafk.isAFK


FoxAFK has several configs which you could change. All configs can be changed by overwriting the table entry in FOXAPI.afk.config. An example of setting the timeUntilAFK config is shown below.

require("FOXAPI.api") -- Require FOXAPI

local foxafk = FOXAPI.afk -- Access FoxAFK module globals
foxafk.config.timeUntilAFK = 20 * 60 -- Set AFK time to 60 seconds converted to ticks


How long in ticks you have to wait to become AFK for.

Type Default
integer 2400 (2 minutes in ticks)


Whether to update your nameplate using world instructions while your player is unloaded.

The default is true when your avatar is set to HIGH or MAX permissions and false when it's set lower. Setting this config will force enable or disable this feature on any permission level.

Type Default
boolean Conditional


How often the AFK timestamp should be repinged. This should be infrequent.

Type Default
integer 800 (40 seconds in ticks)


How frequent in ticks the module does stuff. This also affects how precise the AFK timer is going to be.

Type Default
integer 10 (1/2 second in ticks)


How the AFK string should be formatted when replacing ${afk} in nameplates. The %s is replaced with the time like 3:00.

Type Default
string " [AFK %s]"


If this is set to false, the system for replacing ${afk} placeholders in the nameplate will be disabled.

Type Default
boolean true


How the AFK timer should be formatted when the player has been AFK for more than an hour.

Type Default
string "%d:%02d:%02d" (0:00:00)


How the AFK timer should be formatted when the player has been AFK for less than an hour.

Type Default
string "%d:%02d:%02d" (0:00)


These variables should only be read, not written to. Like configs, FOXAPI should be required to read them.


Type Description
integer The current time in ticks you've been AFK for.


Type Description
boolean Whether or not you're currently AFK.


Type Description
string The formatted time you've been AFK for like 3:00 for 3600 ticks.


Type Description
string The fancy formatted time you've been AFK for like [AFK 3:00] for 3600 ticks. Is blank when you aren't AFK. The space in front is intentional. Uses the fancyFormatting config.