The final project for CSE 210 Programming with Classes.
I created a zen gardening simulator. The graphics are Code Page 437.
I reused an old library I made for bitmap fonts in pygame. It requires numpy for speed.
Python 3.9.7
pygame 2.1.0
numpy 1.21.4
Use the arrow keys to navigate menus and control the player.
Use the Z key to use the currently selected item.
Use the X key to open and close the inventory.
Use the C key to view the statuses of the plants. Blue plants need water and green plants are done growing.
Use the SPACE key to advance time.
Use the F1 key to toggle the debug data. Toggling the data off will not erase it, just stop it from updating.
Use the F2 key to take a screenshot. A screenshots
directory will be created for the images.