Monitor market data and value of all of your crypto holdings updated as often as you'd like.
In the screen below the top section is the Market data while the bottom section is the Holdings data:
From the Currency List menu select either Holdings or Market to choose currencies for the respective watch list:
Select currencies from the left side and click Add Selected to add to your watch list. Select currencies from the right side and click Remove Selected to remove from your watch list. Click Ok to save your changes or Cancel to forget your changes.
From the File menu select Settings. The refresh interval is the number of seconds to wait until fetching the latest market data:
From the File menu select Settings. The coin display format controls how the values in the 'Coin' column will be shown for both Market and Holdings data:
- Notifications (desktop and/or email and/or SMS)
- Tests
There are no current plans to make this available on platforms other than Windows. If you're interested in a Mac/Linux port (or some other feature) please open an issue.