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Benbebop edited this page Feb 21, 2023 · 10 revisions

extends Snowflake

Represents an Application Command.

Instances of this class should not be constructed by users.

Properties Inherited From Snowflake

Name Type Description
client Client A shortcut to the client object to which this container is visible.
createdAt number The Unix time in seconds at which this object was created by Discord. Additional decimal points may be present, though only the first 3 (milliseconds) should be considered accurate. Equivalent to Date.parseSnowflake(
id string The Snowflake ID that can be used to identify the object. This is guaranteed to be unique except in cases where an object shares the ID of its parent.
parent Container/Client The parent object of to which this container is a child. For example, the parent of a role is the guild in which the role exists.
timestamp string The date and time at which this object was created by Discord, represented as an ISO 8601 string plus microseconds when available. Equivalent to Date.fromSnowflake(


Name Type Description
name string The name of the command. This should be between 1 and 32 characters in length.
description string The command's description. Idk how long this should be, figure out yourself.
guild nil/string/Guild The snowflake id/object of the guild this command belongs to, if it is a guild command.
type number The command type. See the applicationCommandType enumeration for a human-readable representation.
options table A table of all options attached to this command.
nsfw boolean Whether this command is marked as NSFW (not safe for work).
version string Legit no idea XD.

Methods Inherited From Snowflake


Defines the behavior of the == operator. Allows containers to be directly compared according to their type and __hash return values.

Returns: boolean



Returns: string


Defines the behavior of the tostring function. All containers follow the format ClassName: hash.

Returns: string


Returns a unique Date object that represents when the object was created by Discord. Equivalent to Date.fromSnowflake(

This method only operates on data in memory.

Returns: Date


addOption(optionType, name)

Parameter Type
optionType number
name string

This method always makes an HTTP request at the end of the event loop.

Returns: Option