{% hint style="info" %} Bean Sprout is currently inactive. {% endhint %}
Bean Sprout is a Beanstalk accelerator program to facilitate rapid development on and around Beanstalk in a decentralized fashion. Bean Sprout is responsible for the incubation of Root.
Like Beanstalk Farms, Bean Sprout does not have a treasury and has historically been minted a a budget by the Beanstalk DAO via BIP. Budget funds are custodied by the Bean Sprout Multisig (BSM).
Past BIPs that funded Beanstalk Sprout:
- BIP-8: Beanstalk Q1 2022 Budget (included Beanstalk Farms and Bean Sprout)
- BIP-23: Bean Sprout Q3 2022 Budget
- BIP-27: Bean Sprout Q4 2022 Budget
Monthly reports on how Bean Sprout spent its budget can be found here.
{% hint style="info" %} Currently, Bean Sprout is not actively funded. The last Bean Sprout budget was the Q4 2022 budget. Past BSPs can be read here. {% endhint %}
Bean Sprout Proposals, or BSPs, are proposals to use the Bean Sprout budget. Anyone with 0.1% of the Stalk supply or BSM signers can propose a BSP. BSPs are voted on by Stalkholders.
BSPs that propose to spend less than or equal to 25,000 Beans are optimistically approved unless a quorum of 10% of the Stalk supply is reached, after which the majority vote determines the outcome of the vote. BSPs that propose to spend more than 25,000 Beans must reach a quorum of 10% of the Stalk supply and a majority vote For in order to pass.
A BSP is not required for the BSM to send payments valued at under 4,000 Beans.