{% hint style="info" %} Bean Sprout is currently inactive. {% endhint %}
Bean Sprout budget funds are custodied by the Bean Sprout Multisig, or BSM. The BSM is deployed using Safe. Its m-of-n configuration is currently 4-of-7 on Ethereum mainnet. This means any use of the budget funds must be approved by at least 4 of the 7 signers.
Bean Sprout Multisig Safe address: 0xb7ab3f0667eFF5e2299d39C23Aa0C956e8982235
{% embed url="https://app.safe.global/eth:0xb7ab3f0667eFF5e2299d39C23Aa0C956e8982235/transactions/history" %}
The current BSM signers are as follows, in no particular order:
- mistermanifold
- guy
- Bean Merchant
- Brean
- Michael Montoya
- MarcoOnMulberry (ereal)
- aloceros
The following Farmers serve as backup signers for the BSM, in no particular order:
- mod323
- sweetredbeans
Rotating BSM signers requires a BOP (or BIP) unless a signer voluntarily leaves the BSM or for rotating in a backup signer.