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Joby K edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 14 revisions


The Be-Secure Manager(BeSman) project is the project which is involved in the development/supporting of the command line utility, BeSman which focused on setting up customized security environments. Since this utility comes under the Be-Secure projects, which is basically an umbrella of opensource security projects, tools, sandbox environments to perform security assessments and secure opensource technology stacks, BeSman project also have the task of continuously analyzing its member projects for its features, bugs, or improvements and will perform comparison of tools which is of similar type

This analysis helps in handpicking the right tools/or combination of tools for setting up environments both for now and future. As part of the member project's analysis this project's wiki page will be updated with tools/tools set's

  • Feature analysis
  • Drawback listing
  • Comparison with same kind.

This wiki main page will give you an overview of the analyzed tools/toolset, its status(whether the analysis completed) and this status will act as a link which will take you to the description/analysis page. One more cool feature is, analysis will be a continuous process based on the release of new version(only major releases considered) of same utility/app and therefore the 'status' is bidirectional, which means the 'finished' state can go back to 'in progress' to update the analysis details of new version.

Tool analysis reports.

Sl Contents for analysis Type of analysis Status
1 Trivy, Grype, Anchore-Engine Comparison Completed
2 CodeQL Analysis based on advance features Completed
Comparison with SonarQube Ongoing
Comparison with Coverity Not started
3 Sonatype-lift Analysis based on advance features Ongoing
4 WhiteSource Cure Analysis based on advance features Not started
5 Gitlab - security Analysis based on advanced security features Ongoing